English Collection


come clean

2011年06月04日 | 英語学習
According to Wallace's family, the whole thing was a joke that had gone so far that he was afraid to come clean for fear of angering Bigfoot believers.
この "come clean" はどこかで聞いたことのある表現ですが、意味を思い出せません。 直ぐに辞書を見ます。
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: to tell the whole story : confess (came clean about her crimes)
・Cambridge Advanced Learner's English Dictionary: to tell the truth about something that you have been keeping secret: I thought it was time to come clean (with everybody) about what I'd been doing.
・McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs: come clean (with someone) (about something): Fig. to be honest with somebody about something. I want you to come clean with me about your financial status. Sam will come clean with me. I know he will.
私は知りませんでしたが、"come clean" と題した映画や音楽は幾つもある様です。
私の好みの曲ではありませんが、Utubeには次ぎのような "come clean" が幾つも載っています。
English Journal 5月号にも "come clean" を使った文がありました。
This month, your Cultural Crossroads hosts, Ann and Michael, come clean about bathing culture. Bath or shower? To soak or not to soak? These are just some of the questions. Getting clean, it seems, might not be as simple as you thought!
身体を洗うお風呂の話題なので "come clean" の表現を使ったのが分かります。
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