English Collection



2011年06月21日 | 英語学習
"THE POSTMAN ALWAYS RING TWICE"留置場での主人公 Frankと警官との会話からです。警官がFrankに話かけてきました。
"Say, You ain't supposed to have no lawyer yet. You ain't been arraigned, and you can't send for nobody. They can hold you forty-eight hours incommunicado, they call it. But if he shows up here, I got to let him see you, you get it? He might show up here, if I happened to be talking to him."
"You mean you get a cut."
"I mean he's a friend of mine. Well, if he didn't give me no cut, he wouldn't be no friend, would he? He's a great guy. He's the only one in this town can throw the headlock on Sackett."
上の会話にでてくる名詞の "cut" はどんな意味でしょうか? 私の英語の先生、辞書に相談します。
・Oxford English Dictionary: [in singular] informal a share of the profits from something: the directors are demanding their cut
・Cambridge Advanced Learner's English Dictionary: a share of something, usually money: When am I going to get my cut?
・Wiktionary: A share or portion: The lawyer took a cut of the profits.
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