English Collection


viscous ink

2011年06月20日 | 英語学習
ASJの5月例会は都合が悪く参加できませんでしたが、minutesが送られてきたので読んでいたら覚えたい単語が一つありました。5月のレクチャーは "Ink on Gold" by Dr. Matthew P. McKelway, Associate Professor, Columbia University で、その中の文を抜粋します。
As compared with a pair of screens by Yosa Buson executed in the same medium, Rosetsu's work uses jet-black ink where Buson uses a grey wash; also, where Buson uses a variety of brushes to create a range of textures, Rosetsu uses a large brush loaded with viscous ink to apply long, sweeping strokes, thus relying on bold, silhouetted forms to portray the subject.
In the case of the Landscapes, however, the artist has based himself on the mutual resistance between the non-absorbent gold and the viscous ink, forcing his viewers to think about how his paintings were made and eventually acknowledge the audacity of his method.
"jet-black ink" はRosetsuと対照されているBusonの筆を "grey wash" と形容し、以前取り上げた "jet jewelry" との類推から、 "very dark black ink" の意味である事が分かります。 "viscous ink" の "viscous" は何度か見たことのある単語ですが、思い出せません。"jet-black" とは別の特性の様です。 辞書を引きます。
・Cambridge Dictionaries Online: describes a liquid that is thick and sticky and does not flow easily
・Oxford English Dictionary: having a thick, sticky consistency between solid and liquid; having a high viscosity: viscous lava
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: Viscous syrup that takes forever to pour from a narrow-neck bottle.
私の記憶力も "viscous " だといいのですが、どうも "volatile" ですね。
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