English Collection



2016年01月31日 | 英語の本を読む

Stephen KingのThe Girl Who Loved Tom Gordonに出てきた面白い単語です。
Back when Sanford was just for grandparents and summer vacations and Pepsi Robichaud was just her summer friend and arm-fart were the funniest things in the universe...except, of course, for real farts. "arm-fart"は インターネットで調べると "arm fart" あるいはもっと分かり易くは "armpit fart" と呼ばれる遊びの様です。これなら昔風呂に入った時にやっていましたね。

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2016年01月30日 | 英語の本を読む

The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordonを読んでいるとこんな単語に出会いました。
Both plastic bottles, the one with the water in it and the bottle of Surge, were dented but whole. Her lunch-sack was smooshed into something that looked like roadkill (and covered with more potate chips), but Trisha didn't even bother looking inside.
"roadkill" (Vocabulary.com: Roadkill means the dead body of an animal that's been hit by a car. Some people are so sensitive they can't stand to look at roadkill.)
米国に駐在していた時(1981 - 1988)に、シカゴ郊外のBenssonville及びVerona, NJ/Westfield, NJ、この "roadkill" に何度も出会いました。と言っても実際に "roadkill" を見たのはほんの数回ですが、多くの場合スカンクの "roadkill" なので、車を運転していると匂いで分かるのです。その経験は何度もあります。 一度、既に他の車にひかれて "roadkill" となっているスカンクを気が付かずにひいてしまった事があり、その後匂いが車から数日間抜けなかったことを思い出しました。

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cammi top

2016年01月29日 | 英語の本を読む

遭難したTrishaは実際はずっと一人で山道をさまよっているのですが、ボストン・レッドソックスの投手、Tom Gordonの大ファンなので、少女の頭にはよくTomが出て来ます。
Tom wanted to know all about her, it seemed--her favorite classes at school, why she thought Mr. Hall was mean for giving homework on Fridays, all the ways Debra Gilhoody had of being such a bitch, how she and Pepsi had planned to go trick-or-treating as Spice Girls last Halloween and Mom had said Pepsi's Mom could do whatever she wanted, but no nine-year-old girl of hers was going out trick-or-treating in a short skirt, high heels, and a cammi top.
"cammi top" は9歳の少女がハロウィーンで着るのにはふさわしくない服のようですが、どんな服でしょうか?
・Dictionary.com: cammies, a camouflage uniform; a camouflage garment or garments.: The women had ironed their cammies and made sure their hair was perfect.
・The American HeritageR Dictionary: Garments made from camouflage fabric. Shortening and alteration of CAMOUFLAGE.
普通は複数形の "cammies" として使うようで、いわゆる迷彩服でしょう。

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2016年01月28日 | 英語の本を読む

山で遭難し、何日も山の中をさまよった少女の話、The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordonを読んでいます。
She hulled a dozen or so of the beechnuts, mixed them with a like number of berries (this time using her madder stained fingers to remove the stems with ladylike care). and tossed the result into her mouth in three measured handfuls: dessert. The taste was heavenly--like one of those trailmix breakfast cereals her mother always ate--and when Trisha had finished the last handful, she realized she wasn't just full but gorged.
"trailmix" は知りませんでしたが、文脈からするとナッツなどの入ったシリアルのような食べ物でしょうか?
辞書で調べると一語の "trailmix" ではなく、二語の"trail mix" で説明があります。
・Oxford English Dictionary: A mixture of dried fruit and nuts eaten as a snack food, originally by hikers and campers.: Along the way, snack on foods like trail mix and cheese, and fuel up often.
The combination of nuts, raisins and chocolate as a trail snack dates at least to the 1910s, when outdoorsman Horace Kephart recommended it in his popular camping guide.

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gag a maggot

2016年01月27日 | 英語の本を読む

The stuff her feet were sinking into felt like cold, lumpy jelly. Yellowish, bubbles rose in the disturbed water; swirling in them were black fragments of who knew what.
"Gross," she moaned, moving forward toward the nearest hummock. "Oh, gross. Gross-gross-gross. Gag a maggot."
Trishaが言った最後の表現 "Gag a maggot" は何でしょうか? "maggot" が含まれているので良い意味ではないとは思いますが。辞書を見ます。
・Urban Dictionary: Expression used to describe something extremely revolting or disgusting.
1) Carrie had a face that could gag a maggot.
2) When Bruce farted it was enough to gag a maggot.

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2016年01月25日 | 英語の本を読む
Braking out of her own stillness, Trisha took off her other Reebok and knotted the laces of both sneakers together. She hung them around her neck like cuckoo-clock pendulums, debated over her socks, and decided to leave them on as a kind of compromise (as an oog-shield was the thought which actually went through her mind).
日本語にもなっている英語は要注意だ。私の知っている "debate" は、私の嫌いな、賛否の二つに分かれて行う西洋人が好きな知的な一種の武器ですが、Trishaは一人で歩いているので、その意味ではないはず。辞書で確認します。
・Collins Dictionary: to deliberate upon (something): he debated with himself whether to go
・Macmillan Dictionary: to consider an action or situation carefully before you decide what to do: I debated whether or not to call her parents.
なるほど、これなら独りでも "debate" できますね。
注: "oog" is Dutch for "eye.
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Japan Thing

2016年01月24日 | 英語の本を読む

The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon(1999年)の著者Stephen Kingは日本に関心を持っているようで、日本の事がところどころに顔を出します。
"He can't help you," Bork the Dork said. "There's a lot going on today. There's been an earthquake in Japan, for instance a bad one.
"And I deserve to get out," Trisha said softly. "Anyone who can eat a raw fish deserves to get out." The Japanese do it all the time, said the tough tootsie as Trisha set out once more along the side of the stream.
"So I'll tell them," Trisha said. "If I ever get over there for a visit I'll tell them."

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2016年01月22日 | 英語の本を読む

Ahead (and already around her) was a broken maze of long-dead trees. The ground in which they stood was swampy and wet. Rising from flat pools of standing water were turtleback hummocks covered with grass and swatches of weeds. The air hummed with mosquitoes and danced with dragonflies.
"hummock" は日本語になっているハンモックとは明らかに違いますね。辞書を見ます。
・Collins Dictionary: a wooded area lying above the level of an adjacent marsh: She half-stumbled over a hummock of grass as she rushed towards her mother.
・Vocabulary.com: You don't swing in a hummock, you climb one. A hummock is a hill, a mound, or a ridge.
This word was once a nautical term describing a hill rising up on a coastline. A hummock is a perfect place for a lighthouse. Today it is either a rounded hill or an elevated place in an ice field. The origin of the word is unknown, but the ending -ock is a diminutive, meaning it gives the noun the sense of being small. That is why a hummock is a knoll and not a mountain.
日本語になっているハンモックのスペルは "hammock" でした。スペルが違う様に発音も違います。

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2016年01月21日 | 英語の本を読む

Stephen KingのThe Girl Who Loved Tom Gordonを読んでいます。山で家族から離れ離れになった少女のTrishaですが、山中をさまよっている間に色々なことが頭の中を巡ります。
I'll never get to sleep. Never.
Her mother told her to pretend something when Trisha couldn't sleep. Imagine something nice.
That's the best thing you can do when the sandman's late, Trisha.
この "sandman" は何でしょう? さっぱり見当がつきません。辞書を見ます。
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: a genie in folklore who makes children sleepy by sprinkling sand in their eyes -- often used to personify sleep: trying to fight off the sandman
・Cambridge English Dictionary: an imaginary man who spreads sand that makes children rub their eyes and go to sleep
眠気を誘う砂撒き男ですか、精霊としては可愛くないですね。"sugarman" の方がましだと思いますが、そんなもんだではないですね。

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crock of shit

2016年01月20日 | 英語の本を読む

Part of her wanted to run. Never mind how flowing water was bound to take her to people eventurally, all that was likely just a crock of Little House on the Prairie shit. She had been following this stream for miles now, and all it had brought her to was more bugs.
"crock of Little House on the Prairie" の個所の意味が分からないので "crock" を調べたが、ここでの意味と思われる説明が記載されていたのはWiktionaryだけで、そこでの説明はSilly talk, a foolish belief, a poor excuse, nonsense.となっていました。しかし、その内に "crock of shit" なる慣用句があるのが分かり、上記引用文もLittle House on the Prairieの後に "shit" が付いているではありませんか。それで 辞書を見直し"crock of shit" を見ると、次の説明がありました。
・Wiktionary: (vulgar, slang) false information. What a crock of shit.
・McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions: a mass of lies and deception worth no more than dung. (Usually objectionable.) That’s nothing but a crock of shit! I don’t believe a word of it.
川を見つけて下って行けば必ず助かると信じたのはLittle House on the Prairieにその様な話があったからの様だ。

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