English Collection


you are the only one who is responsible

2017年11月30日 | 英語の本を読む
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelhoを読み終わりましたが、巻末に著者(Paulo Coelho)とのインタビュー記事が付いていました。そのインタビューからの抜粋です。
You mentioned that you're Catholic, but you've said elsewhere that your Jesuit upbringing was painful in some ways. What do you see as the value of, and problems with, organized religion?
The value is that they give you discipline and they give you collective worship and they give you humbleness towards the mysteries. The danger is that every religion, including the Catholic one, says, "I have the ultimate truth." Then you start to rely on the priest, the mullah, the rabbi, or whoever, to be responsivle foy your acts. In fact, you are the only one who is responsible.
私は宗教を熱心に信じる人を余り信用しませんが、Paulo Coelhoなら信用できると思いまいした。
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2017年11月29日 | 英語の本を読む
The Japan Times Nov.8の記事からの引用です。
Arms sales push may further Abe-Trump bromance Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and U.S. President Donald Trump, who have a close personal rapport, share a toast at a state dinner in Tokyo on Monday. The Trump administration wants to reduce the U.S. trade deficit with Japan.
But while much has been made of the blooming bromance, Trump has made clear that current trade relations between Washington and Tokyo will not be acceptable. What’s more, a key part of the White House strategy to reduce the U.S. trade deficit with Japan will be to push Tokyo to buy more U.S. military equipment.
阿部首相とトランプ大統領は親密な仲だと喧伝されていますが、"bromance" の意味はそれと関係がありそうです。
・Oxford English Dictionary: A close but nonsexual relationship between two men.: Origin: Early 21st century: blend of brother and romance.
・Collins Dictionary: A bromance is a close but not sexual relationship between two men.: The two men continued their bromance with a trip to the theatre.
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2017年11月28日 | 英語の本を読む

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelhoから取り上げる最後の引用です。
"I'm an alchemist simply because I'm an alchemist," he said, as he prepared the meal. "I learned the science from my grandfather, who learned from his father, and so on, back to the creation of the world. In those times, the Master Work could be written simply on an emerald. But men began to reject simple things, and to write tracts, interpretations, and philosophical studies.
この "tracts" の意味が分からないので辞書を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: A short treatise in pamphlet form, typically on a religious subject.: He was a prolific writer of both religious tracts and scientific treatises, and many times he combined the two.
・Collins Dictionary: A tract is a short article expressing a strong opinion on a religious, moral, or political subject in order to try to influence people's attitudes.: She produced a feminist tract, 'Comments on Birth-Control', in 1930.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: a short piece of writing, especially on a religious or political subject, that is intended to influence other people's opinions: Have you read John Milton's tracts on divorce?
"tract" にこんな意味もあるのですね。

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2017年11月27日 | 英語の本を読む
さて、The Alchemist by Paulo Coelhoを読んでいます。
Suddenly he heard a thundering sound, and he was thrown to the ground by a wind such as he had never known. The area was swirling in dust so intense that it hid the moon from view. Before him was an enormous white horse, rearing over him with a frightening scream.
"rearing" の意味は直ぐには分からなかったのですが、読み飛ばしてしまいました。しかし、そのちょっと後に、又 "rear" が出てきたので意味を思い出しました。
The same hand that had brandished the sword now held a whip. The horse reared again, raising a cloud of dust.
1/10/2013に "ramp" を取り上げましたが、 "rear" にも同じ意味がありますね。
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2017年11月25日 | 英語の本を読む
Reader's Digest 10月号の記事 'The Oldest Kid on The Job' からの抜粋です。
I'm also trying to "work young"--talking a little faster and listening faster too. But above all, I've learned to respect my juniors. Only a few years ago, I never much cottoned to getting suggestions from anyone 10 or 20 years younger, and forget about following any orders.
"cotton to"/"cottoned on"は5/31/2012 と2009/9/2に取り上げた表現です。
・Online Etymology Dictionary: "to get on with" someone (usually with to), 1560s, perhaps from Welsh cytuno "consent, agree." But perhaps also a metaphor from cloth finishing and thus from cotton (n.). Related: Cottoned; cottoning.
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2017年11月24日 | 英語の本を読む

さて、The Alchemist by Paulo Coelhoを読み始めました。洋書を読み始めた頃は図書館にある本をページの少ない本から片っ端から選んでいたのですが、最近は雑誌(English JournalかReader's Digest)やテレビの番組(TEDなど)で得た情報に関連する本や著者をメモし、そこから選んでいるのですが、そのメモは本の題名だけで、しかもその数は数十冊になったので、今回読む "The Alchemist"も小説なのかノンフィクションなのかも分からなくなっています。読み始めると小説でした。
The crystal merchant awoke with the day, and felt the same anxiety that he felt every morning. He had been in the same place for thirty years: a shop at the top of a hilly street where few customers passed. Now it was too late to change anything--the only thing he had ever learned to do was to buy and sell crystal glassware. There had been a time when many people knew of his shop: Arab merchants, French and English geologists, German soldiers who were always well-heeled. スペインの元羊飼いがエジプトに宝があると聞いて、船でアフリカに渡り、宝探しの旅を始めますが、途中で騙されて文無しになり、上の引用個所はこれからどうなるのかというところです。
"well-heeled" はどこかでも見覚えがある表現ですが、忘れたのでまた辞書を見ます。(8/14/2015にarmedの意味のheeledを取り上げています。)
・Collins Dictionary: rich; prosperous; wealthy: One night he was invited to join a well-heeled family.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: rich: His family was very well heeled.
語源が気になります。Online Etymology Dictionaryからの抜粋です。
from well (adv.) + colloquial sense of heeled. "Applied to a player at cards who has a good hand, to a person who possesses plenty of money, or to a man who is well armed"
しかし、Wikitionary には次の別の説が書かれています。
From cockfighting sense, a well-heeled cock was provided with sharp spurs and could inflict maximum damage. Then it came along in American frontier slang to mean that one was well-equipped.
In the modern sense, however, it means being armed with the most powerful weapon: money.
Googleで調べたら The Phrase Finderに詳しい記述がありました。長いので引用しませんが、興味のある方はリンクを付けたので、その記事を読んで下さい。

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horse trading

2017年11月22日 | 英語の本を読む

The Japan Times Online Oct.15の記事からの抜粋です。
Beware, Halloween candy can be a horror for pets
It’s a trick-or-treating tradition: Dump the night’s candy haul onto the living room floor to pick out the gems, or do some horse trading with siblings or friends.
The excitement -- and sugar rush -- may leave humans unaware that all that candy might just be lethal for their hovering pet dogs and cats. Those four-legged family members can’t metabolize candy like humans, said Leasa Greer, manager of nutrition and regulatory affairs for Solid Gold, a line of natural, health-focused foods and treats for dogs and cats.
Do not let your pets eat the treats.
犬猫にとってはcaffeine, xylitol, glow sticksも危険な物質だそうです。
ところで、文中にある "horse trading" の意味が分からないので辞書を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Hard and shrewd bargaining, especially in politics.: EU leaders were gathering in Brussels last night promising there would be no repeat of the undignified horse-trading of their last treaty in Nice.
・Collins Dictionary: (US) hard bargaining to obtain equal concessions by both sides in a dispute: At the beginning of term there is horse-trading over timetables.

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2017年11月21日 | 英語の本を読む

The Japan Times Online Oct.8の記事からの抜粋です。
Orthorexia: When ‘healthy eating’ ends up making you sick
PARIS -- People, it seems, have never been so afraid of their food -- and, say some experts, an obsession with healthy eating may paradoxically be endangering lives.
The term “orthorexia nervosa” was coined in the 1990s by the then alternative medicine practitioner Steven Bratman, a San Francisco-based physician.
To be clear, orthorexia is not an interest in healthy eating -- it is when enthusiasm becomes a pathological obsession, which leads to social isolation, psychological disturbance and even physical harm. In other words, as Bratman said in a co-authored book in 2000, it is “a disease disguised as a virtue.”
"Orthorexia" の "ortho" は "orthodox" の "ortho" と関係し、"rexia" は "anorexia" と関係があるようです。つまり、特定の食べ物だけを病的にまで正しい食べ物と信じている人の様です。辞書で確認します。
  ・Oxford English Dictionary: A medical condition in which the sufferer systematically avoids specific foods in the belief that they are harmful.: The latest eating disorder is known as orthorexia nervosa, an obsessive eating of pure foods in the quest for improved health.
・Word Spy: An extreme desire to eat only healthy food.
Note: This word is based on the more famous (and, so far, more widely recognized) eating disorder, anorexia. The latter combines an-, “without,” and -orexia, “appetite.” Orthorexia modifies this by substituting the prefix ortho-, “correct or proper.” And in the same way that a sufferer of anorexia (also: anorexia nervosa) is called an (or is described as) anorexic, a sufferer of orthorexia (orthorexia nervosa) is an (or is described as) orthorexic. (A synonym for an orthorexic is food-fraidy.) The term was coined by Steven Bratman, and he provides the earliest citation.
植物しか食べないビジタリアンも "orthorexia" の一種の気がします。

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My second Clerihew

2017年11月20日 | 英語の本を読む

昨日のブログで "malapropism" に触れましたが、その時に付けた過去の記事へのリンク先に "Clerihew" と呼ばれるとても興味深い人物四行詩について紹介した投稿の記録があり、この風刺を含んだ詩なら楽しめるのを思い出しました。そこで早速私の二作目の "Clerihew" を作りました。

The 45th United States President Donald Trump
Who trumpets America is the world champ
Besides he is a lover of Twitter,
Because he can easily ignore a rebutter

"Clerihew" のAABBの韻に従い有名人をテーマにした四行詩です。
P.S. My first Clerihew はこちらに: http://blog.goo.ne.jp/k_akabane/e/5c62c7ed589d89d24a22f2708bface63

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idiot savant

2017年11月19日 | 英語の本を読む

Reader's Digest 10月号の記事 'Paging Dr. Malaprop' からの抜粋です。
Now, I know voice recognition is technically just a series of digital ones and zeros in a particular order, but I have come to believe that the software has the soul of an idiot savant--a ghost in the machine, if you will.
"malapropism" は12/6/20071/20/2009に取り上げた単語です。
"idiot savant" はReader's Digestに結構頻出する言葉ですね。私のブログでは8/4/2014に取り上げています。

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