
日本在住歴約40年のRon McFarlandと外資系勤務が長い齋藤信幸が、それぞれの海外体験を語ります。

Global Interaction : No.40 Biz Trip ニュジーランド

2020-07-04 16:17:53 | Ron's Life Story

New Zealand

In August and September of 1986, I did training in New Zealand. That was my first General Motors country. GM New Zealand is very organized and has well educated staff. I shared the training presentations with two GM NZ staff, and we traveled around the country together. One person gave training on heavy-duty trucks, one on light-duty trucks and I presented selling techniques.

New Zealand Sales Seminar

New Zealand is very rural with a low population and is mostly agricultural. I like to think of it as the Switzerland of Asia. I traveled through both the North Island and the South Island. Three quarters of the population is on the North Island, particularly around Auckland in the north.

Unlike its larger neighbor Australia, New Zealand has a lot of greenery and has very good northern hemisphere off-season snow skiing like Chile. Being in the southern hemisphere, the winters are in July and August. It is one of the most scenic countries I have every traveled to.

Sightseeing between training seminars

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