
日本在住歴約40年のRon McFarlandと外資系勤務が長い齋藤信幸が、それぞれの海外体験を語ります。

Ron McFarlandのPersonal Journey (42) : 香港(ホンコン)

2022-03-05 22:20:20 | Ron's Life Story


Hong Kong was one of the big markets for Isuzu Motors. They had a very high commercial vehicle market share there. Also, the distributor there had a division, which sold into China. Interestingly, vehicles on the road in Hong Kong were very different than those in China. Hong Kong was right-hand drive. China was left-hand drive. Hong Kong’s emission laws were very strict. China’s were not. Now, with Hong Kong being part of China, the two should be coming closer and closer all the time hopefully for the betterment of both.

With the stress of living in such a small place, the salesmen in Hong Kong are very professional and aggressive. There was very little I could teach them about salesmanship. I could only teach them the features of the vehicles, which was my greatest success there. Other than that, they didn’t need me.

Heavy-duty truck training in Hong Kong, March 1988


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