
日本在住歴約40年のRon McFarlandと外資系勤務が長い齋藤信幸が、それぞれの海外体験を語ります。

Global Interaction & Understanding - A Personal Journey : No.21 見込み客を見つける

2018-08-08 21:51:55 | Ron's Life Story

No matter what the product is, if a sales person meets or makes contact in some form (telephone, email, visiting, whatever), with a lot of people with a need for that particular product his chances of selling will increase. He must have a steady schedule of contacting a lot of targeted people.

We have all heard the expression “a salesman is not made, he is born”, meaning a person has to be born with certain talent or character to be a good salesmen. In some ways that is true. I have run into many people, which do not have the personality to continually meet strangers every day. When they try, it simply exhausts them.

“Order Taker“と営業の相違
Most sales people just respond to customer requests and don’t seek business. They put up a false front and take sales orders when they come in. They are only order takers and not sales people. These people only process orders as they come in. They do not seek sales or people who have needs for a particular product. They rely on advertising, showroom traffic, product reputation, etc.

Over my career, I have noticed a great deal of difference between car sales people and truck sales people. The car people are in the showroom waiting for the customer to come in. The truck people are out wondering around truck repair shops, delivery areas, and goods receiving spots, along major truck routes and in restaurants when truck operators eat. As I would present to groups as large as 25-30, I would always have a mixture of both in the room. Both are successful if they are meeting a lot of people. If they are not, some different action plan must be put in place. As my selling has always been international, with long distances between my customers and me, after learning who to contact from the Internet or other sources, my initial contact method has been through email or FAX. From there I followed up with a telephone call and then a personal visit.

So, my sales action plan was built on what I had taught for many years beforehand. It involves, finding a prospect list, using direct mail, telephone prospecting, building a referral source, setting up prospect planner files and setting up current customer files.
Setting up customer files has been a powerful activity. It sets the stage for activities from getting a prospect list right through maintaining contact with the customer long after he has bought the product. It has really made me organized, motivated and active every working day. In the early days, I used and taught a customer card system, but today there are excellent computer programs that can really do all the work for you. All you have to do is put in the data. It’s beautiful.

My prospecting activities (finding customers) have been so successful that I have at least twice outsold the production capacity available of Unika Company Limited which is the company I worked for after I left Isuzu Motors which I will talk about later in the book. On those occasions, my activities had to change from finding customers to apologizing to customers for delays in deliveries.

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