JAPAN cherry blossoms!!!!!! hanami! 花見!

2011-04-15 | My roots

I took my granma to the TSURUMI RYOKUCHI park 鶴見緑地公園 in Osaka which is only about 20-25 min. away from

Osaka station.

 Hanami  (pinic under the cherry blossom trees)





It was a beautiful day, so we decided to meet at Noon and spend all day together

My granma is over 80 years old but she is very good in health (although she has a pace maker inplated in her heart so she has trouble breathing sometimes) and pretty happy.

we talked about different things over lunch and we headed to the park- @ this park, flower expo was held back in 1990 and she kept talking about her memories of the expo how crawded it was, and we found out that the park was almost empty since it was just a regular week day. We saw some young people or families but it was sooo quiet!

We walked around a lot and took a lot of pictures, granma tried taking my pictures but she gave up after one or two. ( she recently got a mobile phone which she complains every time she uses it- "its so sad to be too convinient")

anyways, we took this bench and just sat around and watched the sakura... it was such a beautiful time!!

Then we met this BEAUTIFUL dog

BOSTON TERRIER!!!!! I used to take care of this kind of dog with my host sister danielle back in Indiana, and so every time i see Boston here in JAPAN, i ALWAYS talk to the owners, no matter what. hahaha

and sine there arent so many of them they normally appriciate my interest in their dogs and we talk about their personalities and stuff   his name was JOY and he was such a cute dog, he posed for me when I said "joy, look at me!!"

well, since my granma has "disabled certificate" she can get into the places for free or less charge like public transportation, museums, movies, and all that, and luckily? I also can get discount @  a lot of places when im with her as i am her "helper".

So normally, they charge us 500yen for adult @ the "sakuya konohana Museum"


And i saw a LOT of interesting flowers and plants!!

banana trees!


Orange hibiscus

Can you guess the name of this tree?       " Bottle tree"


cottons on trees! they let me touch them and it was soooooooooo soft. very different texture from

the cottons you get from the stores!!! they said that these are mainly used for stuffings like pillows and cusions!! it was soooo fluffy and soft!!!


Itwas a great day






