小さい子供って かわいい でしょ。
Kids are... so cute. yah especially the little ones. of course, everyone thinks so, right?
actually... kids can be very mean and cruel
For example "bullying" is something that can happen to anyone, anywhere. Schools, daycares, afterschool, childrens hospitals, any extra curricular activities.
Some say, "that kid is weired enough to be bullied" but i dont agree with it. However the kid is, noone should bully to an extreme level. at first, it might be just picking on and calling names but it will lead to kicking punching, hiding stuff, and making him to do things that, caregivers must notice.
最初は悪口を言われたり笑われたり かもしれない。でもどんどんとエスカレートしていくと
子供って this is my words.....little kids have these following characteristics...
They will say out loud what they think or how they feel without second thoughts.
They want to get attention therefore they dont like other people gettting more attention than themselves.
Kids want other people's stuff - easy to get jelous(toys, books, clothes, school supplies etc)
Ive seen a lot of childrens fights and conflicts in different workplaces and i sorted the childrens type into three.
kids who are easily get picked on- cry so easily. so quiet and shy, stands out physically. looks different.
kids who always pick on someone- bossy, strong personality, very clear what they want, aggressive,easy to be jelous of others
③どっちでもない子 (それにかかわることも無視することもない。)
kids who are aware of what is going on, but they are not in it, so they are not going to get into it.
がいるなぁって考えた。 私は子供の頃 あきらかにタイプ① だった。
i was def. type1 child, i was being picked on by some of the strong charactors in school.
目立つこともないし、きわめてなにかが遅いわけでもない、逆にスポーツに関しては走るのとか鉄棒も得意だし、YESNOも案外はっきりはしてた。 だけど、小学校低学年の時はこの平和な性格がタイプ②をいらいらさせていたのか
but actually my charactoristics never fit No.1 category- i always knew what i wanted, i wasnt quiet or shy, but i know i was very slow and immature. when people are playing with video games i was still interested in playing with dolls, i was the last one in class to know about the St. Nick fact, i believed a lot of things that kids didnt anymore, i wore a cartoon charactor clothes to school and my friends made fun of me a lot....and got very bad grade in math and science because i had NO IDEA what was going on. but i loved school. somehow. loved playing, loved the school lunch, and a teacher.
それは、彼らは常に「目立つ」存在で いじめられっこ、いじめるこ両方の予備軍だ笑
私の意見の中では「いじめ」自体はいいことではないから否定はできないけど、その経験自体は学校生活、社会生活をしていくなかできっと起こりえるもので そしてそれを通して学ぶことがたくさんあると思うし本人同士がぶつかりあって結果的にどうなるかっていう経験はとっても大切な経験だと思う。
I have taught or met a lot of kids that have different background- Japan and another country and especially when their physical appearance is obviously non-asian, they stand out and automatically become
possibilities of "bullies" or "victimes" ....
でも、②,3歳の幼児によってはその「違い」もあいまいで あまり他人と自分との何かの違いがはっきりしていない。
Understanding and accepting who is different seems kind of difficult to people, but for 2, 3 year old that "difference" is not so clear yet because they havent quiet figured out who "they" are. When they start their school it is about time that they established a basic things of themself like "what they like" or "what they are interested in" - so that is why friends have a great effect, what kind of friends they will make, and what they will talk about, what they will do?
afterall i was..... not aware of the "difference" or the "weiredness" of a "special" child in a class as everyone else would pick on.....or something. I was slower, and less capable of doing many things compared to my classmates, but i didnt understand why those things were to be done or what for, and if i dont know what for, it didnt make me sad or stupid not being able to do as everyone else. Because it wasnt important to me.
but i loved school. what a peaceful child.
As I teach, i come across a situation where a kid picks on another kid.
It makes me wanna solve the problem for them right at that moment, but all i do is to have them talk to each other and also letting them know the expectations- such as be kind to others, and speak out how you feel.
私は日常子供たちに保育教育に関わり、そういう状況にしょっちゅうでくわす。みんながみんな優しくてなんの競争もない世の中なら平和なのかもしれないけど、そういうわけにもいかず、相変わらず物静かで何も意見を言わなければおいていかれ、ときにはからかわれることもある。そういうとき先生としては「いますぐやめなさい」と注意をして物事をすべて解決させたいと思うがそれは子供たち同士の問題で先生は、何ができるかというとそこにいて、状況をしっかりと把握して、子供たち同士がしっかりと話せる機会を持たせることだと思う。 もちろん悪い言葉やひどい言葉を言う子に対してそれらの言葉や行動が人を傷つけるから、してはいけないことだとか、ずっとだまって何もいえない子に対しても、勇気を出して助けを求めるなり、相手に言い返すなり立ち去るなり、自分で困難に出会ったらどう問題解決すればいいか、など一緒に考えてあげたり、そういうことぐらいなんだと私は思う。
ケースによって 誰が悪いとか 誰がかわいそうとか
それはやっぱり自分は彼らの人生にかなりかかわっている身としてできるだけ「対話」の中でguide していくことが自分のなかの目標です。
I want to teach all my kids problem solving, noone will solve the problem for them, if they face any difficulties in life there are ways to get through but they need courage, and need to be strong. i can never be strong for them, but can teach and guide them how to be a little stronger and break the shell, once they are less scared to make a change, i believe they can solve any problems in life and hopefully i can teach kids in daily lessons by talkin to them sesiously. even if they dont understand it right away, i will just keep talking to them until one day they will realize what i mean. At the end of the day, everyone should be happy and think," it was a good day today."
then there are those of us that aren't aware of a lot of the bad cases. i was the only Asian in my class during elementary school and i was a little "weird" too. i wasn't really bullied, but i didn't have a lot of friends either. it wasn't until i got into middle school that i started realizing that i was being picked on. i guess it was lucky that my family moved and i transfered to another school which was a lot better for me. :)
i'm glad that your students have you as their teacher. there are so many others out there that just don't do anything about this, you know? glad to see that you want to help in some way. :)
and then everyone says " are you chinese?" "do you use chopsticks to eat popcorns?" hahaha its funny, silly high school kids ask silly questions.
well, im not so sure if my students are lucky to have me as a teacher but thank you so much for your compliment thats really nice! even right at this moment the time will never come up and when you are kid you have to have great experience, and also a hard time so that when you become adult you can be "ok" person. hahaha not some weired jobless "hikikomori" who play games all day and makde friends only online when they are in their 30s. scary.
those people do exist in japan and it scares the crap out of me