Pork and beansprouts fry (prep.10min.Deep Fry 3min.) もやしの豚肉巻き (DEEP FRIED) 揚物

2011-02-28 | My work of art

My mom found a receipe on the internet and she begged me to make this!!! (Her schedule is much tighter than mine so i normally do the cooking )

もやしの豚肉まき    pork moyashi            moyashi- beansprouts

what you need:for two people 2人用の材料

thin sliced pork- about 10 slices    豚肉薄切り 10枚 もし ロースでも、なんでもOK 私は油の少ないしゃぶしゃぶ用を使った。

MOYASHI or Beansprouts  -1bag   もやし一袋

To add flavor, prepare Aojiso or Basil leaf  香り付けにバジルまたは青じそ

fresh ginger しょうが 少々

FOR Deep FrY coat batter 衣を作る。

MIX  water, DASHI(fish flake, if not mushroom powder or chicken stock, any kind of flavored stock), and flour 100g

粉だし少々 水少々 小麦粉100g を混ぜる。(加減を見ながら衣をつくる。)

oil for deep frying  揚げ油


MIX these stuff first.

MISO- soybean paste (1 spoon) 味噌 少々

MAYO (1 spoon)マヨネーズ 少々

UMEBOSHI -2 梅干 2こ smash them つぶす


How to make ...

1.(prepation)lay out thin sliced pork and paste the sauce with a spoon on the surface. 


2.grab a good amount of moyashi and put them on the pork. when you do this, you should try to hold the moyashi together so it wont come out of the pork when you roll it. YOU can add ginger or basil here, if you like to make a different flavors. also, add smashed ume. its really yum.


つぶした梅や青じそ しょうがを載せてもおいしいよ!

3.Carefully roll the pork. ゆっくりとその豚肉をくるくるする。

4.sprinkle flour on every rolled pork you made. まきまきした豚肉に小麦粉を少しまぶす。

5.coat the pork in the batter. dont overcook it because the moyashi will be too soft, it wont taste too good. its about 3-4 min fry time.

その豚肉を、衣につけて、熱した油の中であげる。しゃきしゃき触感を残すために 豚肉に火が通った時点であげてOK


ALL DONE! できあがり。





2 コメント

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@ Austina (dazu)
2011-02-28 23:04:14
yah... after saying" you should try it" i thought, well, if i had 3 year old at home, would i do it? or would i go safe with something safer. hahahha
maybe one day when you are having pot luck or something, it will surprise ppl! its amazingly easy and delicious!
yum! (chuchuchie)
2011-02-28 21:06:53
you're right, deep frying when there's a kid around isn't safe, plus the apt would smell like oil for the whole day :/ but if i get a chance to, i'll try it because it looks sooooo yummy!!! :D

thanks for sharing!!