Christchurch earthquake

2011-02-28 | What's happening around the world

When i see news regarding to earthquakes, my experience is recalled as if it happend yesterday. I lost my classmate when i was in 6th grade my family lost home. I attended my graduation ceremony in a temporary built tent when hanshin earthquake happend back in 1995.

I had homestayed in a warm family's home in Auckland, New Zealand which is far from Christchurch, but when i heard the news I was really shocked and worried about the family and friends in NZ.

When I posted "Are you okay?" on Facebook my Hostfather from NZ quickly responded

"Family is okay" so i was relieved. I know that the rescue teams are continuing with their search but more time passed .... darker it gets.. i know the feeling...... Back in 1995, we didnt use Internet at all and for some, it was a long time to find out if their family and friends are okay or not.

Many Japanese students went to NZ to study English and so the news is busy talking about whether those JP students are alive or not- the ones who survived are busy getting interviews everyday, some of the questions just hurt their feelings and mine also.

"How do you feel that you are survived in this situation? your classmates are still under the ground..."

when the interviwer said that, the girl(19) broke down and said "what? you said they are still ...? they are from my school, for sure?"    she cried and cried and said "why did I deserve to survive? why only me? why not my friends?"

Some parents arrived in NZ with their face so sad and worried, but they were told not to go near the area where the collaspaed buildings were because they might have afterquakes....   AND the interview continues... "Now that you are arrived here, how do you feel?" "Are you heading to the area now??" One of the survivor's father was asked his feeling and he answered "I'm confused right now. Everyone else has not yet been discovered and I cannot feel HAPPY honestly." ----- He seemed very uncomfortable answering the interview when other parents are passing by in the background... if these people had the time to ask this stupid questions, they should do something else.... In the newspapers they are talking about the students as if they were already the people in the past, their photos, names,hometowns, majors, interests and dreams!?... it makes me very angry.   i have experienced KOBE, and i KNOW the people who survived after many many hours too, we must not throw away hopes.

I want the media to have a little bit more common sence and not hurt the survivor's or family's feeling. They have already been hurt enough.



2 コメント

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media = tactless :P (chuchuchie)
2011-02-28 20:23:18
i know, i've been seeing stuff on NHK news and other news channels. it must be hard for you to see this happening when you actually experienced it yourself! thanks for sharing that little piece of your past. it must have been horrible to have lost everything then :(

i was in Taiwan (1999) when the 9/21 earthquake hit Taichung and devastated the whole island. it wasn't as bad for Taipei, but it was really bad for the middle of the island. it was the first time i'd ever experienced an earthquake and yet i slept right through it ^_^;;;;

i hope your friends will continue to be okay and my thoughts are with them.
@ Austina (Dazu)
2011-03-01 10:42:11
Thank you !!!!!!
Sometimes the media's continuous careless interviews break my heart.
I did feel sad and angry with what happened in my own experience but because of these happenings i believe i can be as greatful as i am today. i am lucky, to be alive, as more than 6000 people died in kobe in 1995.