Snack time on my day off- Aomori Apple Denish from 神戸屋 KOBEYA- Bakery

2010-12-03 | My roots

Kobeya is one of my favorite bakery  神戸屋(梅田駅前店)

I have worked in bakery called "Henzel" which is also in Umeda (hanshin Department Store) the scale of the company is nothing compared to Kobeya...but i love their bread and coziness-and the price is awesome!!!-  this one, Kobeya- its a little pricer .... but but but but they have the best denish!! In Umeda station they always give you free tasting of different flavored pastories and bread, cake, etc... and Im not a big fan of sweets- but, when it smells SO good - plus you are just waiting for someone, cause, its in the station, you have a good excuse to get a piece of bread! OK, enough of my stupid excuse, so I tried tasting


Aomori Apple Denish

YUMMY-!!!!! :)

Now off to the Post Office :>





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Japanese pastry shops = WIN (chuchuchie)
2010-12-05 23:51:37
no matter where you go, whether it's just at LAWSONS or at a fancy bakery, the breads and pastries they sell are UNBELIEVABLE!! *_* just thought i'd let you know. :)

thanks for sharing the pics!! that apple danish looks soo good! :D
@ Austina (Dazu)
2010-12-06 15:14:06
Yah, I guess!! I didnt really feel about the Lawson bread, but when i go oversea and buy some bread from convinient store i reaize how good the japanese food standard is..... then now I wonder what about pastry in Paris? because we call フランスパン but i wonder if フランスパン in France is really good or not? hehhe