Dale Carnegie

2010-10-23 | Things I look up to- Quotes

Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.


ryoma sakamoto 坂本竜馬

2010-10-23 | Things I look up to- Quotes


even if spoken the same content, when done so by a particular person
it can mean totally different.

(im sorry for my poor translation, if anyone has any good suggestion, please tell me)

Soy, soy, soy

2010-10-23 | My work of art

After using soybean flour for my cooking program in my home class, i had some left over soybean flour and
thought i should make a good use.

So, i made this.

Soybean honey milk :)))))))
soybean flour + milk+honey = delicious and healthy

It is NOT soymilk. its my special drink mix of regular milk + soybean flour :)

its more like... milkshake with soybean flavor?

in wekipedia, kinako, soybean flour is written like this
also known as soybean flour, is a product commonly used in Japanese cuisine. Kinako is produced by finely grinding roasted soybeans into powder.

Kinako, being composed of soybeans, is a healthy topping and flavoring which contains B vitamins and protein.[citation needed] It can also be used as a drink. One example of its use in popular foods is warabi mochi, which is a famous kinako-covered sweet.

it is rich in nutrition!!!! kinako is good for mainting intestance, controlling cholesterole, prevents aging- ihave also heard kinakos are good for hair!!
recently im more careful on my hair care since it is getting really long, so its a good news

you should try it!!!!!!!!

soybean honey milk mix (below is my case, so you can add more honey or soybean flour, just adjust how you like it)
3 table spoon of soybean flour
1 table spoon of honey
1 glass of milk

mix all together!    its also good when you shake it up in a tambler!!