girls night!

2010-10-04 | What makes me comfortable
i went to see

"eat, pray love"- Julia Robert's in it, it was really really good!! hmm is this movie made for me?
I hadnt been to the movie with my friends for a while, and my friend i used to work with for a little while- we went to the movie and we were totally in love with the movie.

the movie talks about following the dreams, serching for god, looking for directions, ways to live, different cultures, believing in love, learning anotehr languages....
so much things we can relate to since both i and she work in an international enviroment, and we totally love strong women who dont give up their dreams to
be "happy".

this movie took place in Italy, India and Bali.
well, what did "Liz", the main charactor do in Italy?
All she did was eat, eat eat.
and we were on it.
when it showed the scene where she eats full plate of spaghetti, we looked at each other and said "oh my gosh, looks so good."
right after the movie, despite of coke and popcorn, we were sturbing
and without words we knew where we were heading. can you guess?

"italian restaurant"

so, we went to a very very good italia restaurant in Sannomiya.
oh man the pizza was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo yummy, pizza margerita
i could eat more and more.

after a glass of white one and sangria later, i was feeling so good, and thought to myself, "need to save more money, and go traveling again. yes. and... need to have girls night more often."