PAGES OF MY LIFE ~著作権保護ページ~


デジタル・ガール ~Digital Girl~

2007年11月18日 22時46分55秒 | Weblog
She was brought up among numbers
A father, a mathematician
and a mother are a certified public accountant
Rational living that calculation creates
(計算が創りだす 合理的生活)
The proof that they're wise made her
a number lover increasingly
          She is a Digital Girl
          She is resting her brain, except when calculating
          Only the calculations are foundation of the reality
Dressing up and a flower arrangement make her succeed in calculation
She was brought up among numbers
Her elder brother, a computer engineer
and her elder sister are a dietician
Life without uselessness that calculation creates
(計算が創りだす 無駄のない生活)
An enough sense of fulfillment made her
a number lover increasingly
          She is a Digital Girl
          She is always calculating things except sleep
          (眠ってる時以外は 絶えず計算している)
          Only the calculations are the foundation of happiness
Gets both the love and the sexual intercourse by calculations
Changes ON and OFF of a switch by herself
But sometimes makes a mistake in timing
Love and friendship are lost
and her calculation is redone from the beginning
          She is a Digital Girl
          She can solve every kind of difficult mathematics
          Only the calculations are her defense clothes anytime
But when partners are man, her calculation cannot achieve good results easily
