PAGES OF MY LIFE ~著作権保護ページ~


SELL BY THE PIECE (切り売り)     

2009年02月22日 05時25分22秒 | Weblog
Politicians who gained money                             (土地の売買で
In land the buying and selling                           金儲けした政治家)
The tax was made capital                           (税金は元手にされた)
Or the information from which they could learn                   (または職業上
About the vocational top was used                     知り得た情報を使って)
Land and buildings keep being resold                  (土地も建物も転売される)
By the name of the affiliated companies                   (関連企業の名前で)
And their family                             (そして彼らの家族の名前で)
Politicians who use a tax like water               (湯水のように税金を使う政治家)
Their family, everyone, millionaire                 (彼らの家族はみんな大金持ち)
Generation after generation prospers                        (代々繁栄する)
It's troublesome recently to handle national refutation    (最近国民の苦情対処が面倒だ)
They like the ignorant people very much                (愚かな国民ほど愛おしい)
They don't ask the human relations which              (彼等はお金になる人脈なら)
Become money about the right and wrong                    (善悪を問わない)
In their happy purpose                               (彼らの幸せの為に)
They'll sell it by the piece                               (切り売りしよう)
Others' land                                       (他人の土地を)
Others' living                                      (他人の暮らしを)
Others' lives                                       (他人の人生を)
COUNTRIES SELL BY THE PIECE                     (国土が切り売りされる)
TO FOREIGHN STATES                                    (外国に)
COUNTRIES SELL BY THE PIECE                     (国土が切り売りされる)
TO FOREIGHN STATES                                    (外国に)
They are not going to hear a national intention        (国民の意見なんてどうでもいい)
In their happy purpose                               (彼らの幸せの為に)
COUNTRIES SELL BY THE PIECE                     (国土が切り売りされる)
TO FOREIGHN STATES                                    (外国に)
COUNTRIES SELL BY THE PIECE                     (国土が切り売りされる)
TO FOREIGHN STATES                                    (外国に)
OBSERVE IT CLOSELY!!                          (よく見ておけよ!!)
