PAGES OF MY LIFE ~著作権保護ページ~



2008年03月23日 23時16分35秒 | Weblog
When J子 wore a face for something to say
and begins to have walked toward us,
Friend-B prevented action of J子 with his arm.

I said to M恵san.
"Shall I take you to your house by my car?
Or do you want to have the tea time with everybody
which are here until you settle down more?"

She said with intermittent very low voice
" I ....go back home .......soon."
"O.K......then, .....let's go out together......"

When I escorted her and began to have walked, J子 said.
"I was just going to think that I will also return.
I also go together."

Then, B said. "You must stay,J子...and A香"
It was his consideration.

I went out with M恵san.
It was 2 hours later that I have returned to a house again.

B was sleeping next to KEN.
A香 was in living alone.

"J子san went to the nearby cafe"
"I go to meet her......Would you come together?"

But she laughed and did an action with NO.
J子 was sitting on the seat at the very back of a cafe alone.

I sat on the seat on her other side, without saying anything,
and opened and placed the menu before her.

Because she fell silent and pointed to extra-large parfait
and hot coffee, I called a waitress and ordered them

We spoke about nothing.

When parfait was carried,
J子 was eaten without saying anything.

She was crying eating...........
