PAGES OF MY LIFE ~著作権保護ページ~


Loved Experience (愛される経験)

2007年10月28日 01時51分59秒 | Weblog
A child without Mother
Always watches parties of Mother and child in silence
Because the child wants to know the love of her
Why is not there my Mom?
I wanna be hugged by Mom....
I wanna put my head on Mom's lap.....
A child without Father
Always looks up at the sky and imagines his face
Because the child has not seen his face yet
Why is not there my Dad?
I wanna be hugged by Mom....
I want a Dad to ride me on his shoulders..........
Because a lot of trials are given to children from now on
( 子供達には これから沢山の試練が待っているので
a lot of love is necessary for them
There are still cases that adults can do for children variously
(まだ大人が子供達にできることは 色々ある)
