PAGES OF MY LIFE ~著作権保護ページ~



2008年05月27日 05時32分35秒 | Weblog
  Whenever it succeeds
  reminded of the difficulties age
  And you make the stairs which should rise
If each has not been independent (それぞれが独立していなければ)
group cannot make, either               (群れも作れない)
Distinguish cooperative relation and a dependency
We looked at merciless joint collapse repeatedly
And we're stronger than them
Even if we fail how many times, it is not a big problem
We will always work with clear beliefs    (いつも信念を持って働こう)
Don't compromise with reality            (現実に妥協するな)
If ideals are low, actuality would be also at the low
We looked at the people who forgot aims repeatedly
We do what nobody noticed before
When there is a possibility of 1/3 of others, it's enough
※ Whenever it succeeds
  reminded of the difficulties age
  We have to do our best in others 3 times
This world is filled with stray dogs.......................(世界は捨て犬で溢れている)
We'll do the way of life and death to prevent mistakes........................................
For the puppies of the same circumstances..............................................................
                  ~  ※ ~
