アメリカGAYライフ American Gay Life by an expat Japanese

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Michael Clayton

2008-02-25 08:51:52 | 映画・TV・エンタメ
昨晩は、映画『Michael Clayton』のDVDを借りて見ました。久々の大ヒット!面白かった~。4日間の出来事を凝縮したストーリーなんだけど、ジョージ・クルーニーの演技が秀逸だった。彼の、これまでのどの映画より、繊細な心理描写があちこちにちりばめられてました。

Last night I rent a DVD of Michael Clayton which was a huge hit! It was so great. The story is about four-day events but it's non-stop. Especially George Cloony's performance was superb. I know he is a great actor but probably his performance in Michael Clayton depicts subtle expressions of the protagonist best in a convincing manner.


I learned that the movie director also wrote the script and spent two years (maybe he said longer) to launch the shooting project. The special feature section in the DVD includes comments by the director, saying how much they spent time to come up with the best way for shooting each scene.


There is a scene in which a lawyer is killed by two assassins. They set up the murder scene, so that it looks like it's a suicide. Their execution is so smooth and mechanical. Such a flawless movement made me feel my heart go in a flop sweat. They are pro for sure.


In the feature section, the director said that the two actors who played assassins trained for this scene for a month! This murder scene requires them to carry a heavy man and take off his sock, etc., so the director chose these really athletic actors (one of them is also a dancer. Could he be gay?). That's why their movement was so agile. Both of the actors looked very athletic, and honestly I was more drawn to them than to Cloony...


These are the two actors:

He might be able to become next James Bond. He's got that look.
Terry Serpico

He's a bit older. He has played quite a few roles as a detective.
Robert Prescott

今晩はついにオスカーの授賞式だ。果たしてMichael Claytonはいくつ受賞するのか?!

Tonight we will have the Oscars on television. How many prizes is Michael Clayton going to win?!


2 コメント

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Unknown (aiko)
2008-02-26 22:47:40
でもTyさんと違って おしり丸出しとかの格好になっちゃうと 気が抜けるかもー。
かえってスーツなんかで中身がわからないのがいいわあって 空想の世界ねー!
なるほど (Ty)
2008-03-04 23:35:30
