アメリカGAYライフ American Gay Life by an expat Japanese

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クリストファー・ライス / Christopher Rice

2008-03-26 12:44:23 | 

I haven't written about a book category for a long time.

ちょうど今週、出版されたばかりの小説を売り込むために、ブックツアーでChristopher Riceという作家がサイン会に来てます。出版事情も、日米、大きな違いがあるよねぇ。日本だと、よっぽど有名な作家でもないかぎり、新作の読書会&サイン会なんてしないけど、こっちは全米各地の本屋へ行っては、サイン会を開いたり作家がほんの一節を呼んで聞かせるっていうイベントが行なわれてる。

Just this week, an author named Christopher Rice has come to my town to sell his newly-published book. There's a huge difference in the publishing industries between Japan and the U.S. It's only a famous writer who will have a book signing tour in Japan. But in the U.S. that seems a more common custom for any levels of authors to have a book tour.

だけど、このChristopher Riceっちゅー作家の名前は初耳。最近、フィクション系の本を読んでないからなぁ~。学生時代は文学青年だったんですよ、これでも。だけど社会人になると、ビジネス書、学術書、新聞、雑誌で読むものが多くて、フィクションには手が伸びないし首が回らない。

I haven't heard of Christopher Rice, though. I no longer read fiction . . . I used to be literary youth even if you believe it or not! But once you get out of school, there are so many stuff to read for your work such as business books, academic books, newspaper/industry paper, magazine, etc. There's not time or space for fiction!


That said, I am very interested in his books now that I saw his face picture.


According to wikipedia, he was born March 11, 1978, in Berkeley, CA. His mother is a writer and father was a poet. His aunt is also a writer. Christopher is from a family of authors.

そして彼は自分がゲイとカミングアウトしてます~。彼の作品、The Density of Soulsは、まさにゲイの青年が主人公とか。読んでみようかなぁ。

And also Christopher came out as a gay. His books, The Density of Souls, is about a gay protagonist. I'd read it.


Christopher lives in LA and now explores writing screenplays. Now, there's an additional vote for the city of angel over the emerald city!

幸せはお金でかえる?!/ You can buy happiness with money?!

2008-03-25 15:12:20 | 人生・哲学

I heard somewhere on the news channel today about a new scientific evidence showing that people can buy happiness with money. The related article can be read here.


In a nutshell, you'll feel happier when you spend money on others than spend (only) on yourself. I totally agree with this finding. A few years ago, I dated with a super stingy attorney David. He never spent even a cent on others. I recall he sent a claim letter to a vending machine company because he didn't get his change of 30 cents! He is so far away from happiness.


Oh, now I recall a short novel about an unhappy old man who has a beautiful garden. He strictly prohibited children from entering the garden. But in the end, he lets them play in his garden, leading to happiness, almost euphoria. Was it by O'Henry or Oscar Wilde? "The Happy Prince" is also about sacrificing yourself for others.


As opposed to stingy lawyer David, Judson is so generous and to my eyes he's having a less-stressful life and actually looks happier. I adore him and want to be like him (I'm going to see him again! Today I asked him if I can visit him in April, he said fine).


What I really wanted to say is that I shouldn't take all of my bonus. I decided to donate some of it to some charitable organization. But which one . . . ? It's so obvious that I haven't done this much so far.


I learned that the Red Cross, for example, takes about 30% (may be wrong) of donated money for its operations such as staff's pay roll. So, only 70% of your money goes to people who are really in need. I thought this expense ratio information for charitable organizations have been publicized but don't know where. I want to give my money to an organization which doesn't take too much out of it for its operation. I also should think about the cause. There are so many good causes such as children suffering from famine in Africa, tsunami aftermath in Indonesia, Hurricane Catrina, AIDS, suppoting LGBT teenagers, and so on. I receive a donation solicitation letter from my university every month but it's out of the question. I have already paid for the tuition!


Coincidentally, I received a letter from IRS, saying that President Bush passed the Economic Stimulation Act and that I will receive a check for about $600 in May. It's another idea to donate this money to charity. I can't believe that $600 per person will save the U.S. economy from this subprime mortgage mess and billion dollars debt due to the prolonged Iraq War.


I'd appreciate if anyone can recommend some really good charity.

突然ですが/It's a sudden but . . .

2008-03-24 10:13:24 | 仕事

I've decided to move to the West Coast! It's Happy Easter today and such a bright sunny Sunday, which looks a perfect day to reveal my important decision which will change the trajectory of my life.


The final destination is not confirmed yet, but it's going to be either Seattle where Ichiro is or angel's city, LA for sure! Probably I will find out which city the next or a week after the next week. If there are people who are living in those cities, it'd be great to hear great things about your city. I've been to both cities--actually I visited them last fall most recently. In Seattle, Brian's bro is living while in LA Judson is living. So, either way, I will know someone in either city, which makes me feel comfortable. I'm attracted to the emerald city and also to surfer's heaven, Southern California.


I'm planning to move out in August. But I want to quit my job as soon as possible, so I have to tell my boss . . . First I need to confirm that this fiscal year's bonus is deposited in my bank account. It's likely that I work through May and in June I will take my leftover vacations days (about 20 days). Perhaps around that time, I will receive my green card finally! Oh well, there are only two months left at work. I bet time flies.


In June I want to just get relaxed in Japan (of course, I want to go to onsen!) That said, I may have a leftover project, so I might be working in Japan through June remotely . . .


In July, I want to travel for sure. Before on this blog I said that I want to travel to Greek isles and Denmark, but during this high euro/low U.S. dollar period, it seems a bad idea. Since I'll be back in Japan, I want to take advantage of the location. Southeast Asia seems more plausible to me. Thailand would be a good idea?


I told friends that I'm going back to Japan in June. Brian, James and M-san said they want to visit my hometown. I may take them back with me! My parents might wonder which one is my significant other . . . M-san might be misunderstood as my girlfriend or something. It could happen that my mother writes a letter to her, saying that please take care of our son. That'd be embarrassing. I need to explain to my parents that they are all my good friends!


M-san is also trying to switch her career and just recently has been interviewing with a consulting firm headquartered in London. At the final stage, however, she was compared with another candidate and was not chosen with a close call. I want her to hang in there. Yesterday we were talking about what's happening in our life as eating dim sum, walking in a park and rowing boat (too romantic?), having coffee, and shopping. Both of us have lived in this town for many years. Once you decide to leave, you start changing how to see the place. Now I think this city was not that bad. While I was living without knowing what to do next in my life, I thought this city was such a boring place. But when I think there are only a couple of months left for me to live here, I feel some tear in my eyes.


In April and May, I will have a final business trip and also other domestic travels from NY to Chicago, Washington, DC, Seattle, and LA.


I will let you guys know here where I'll end up going!

温泉ってやっぱいいっす~/ the onsen is nice

2008-03-19 04:07:29 | 旅行・外国

While Jason's 'onsen' (Japanese hot spring) scene is still vivid in my memory, I've encountered another onsen report on NHK. This makes me believe someone inside NHK really like to shoot white young guys dipping in the onsen . . . Well, I'm not complaining at all! Not only that, I thought it'd be nice to get relaxed in a steamy onsen bathhouse. I miss Japan so much! I also thought it'd not be a bad idea to work (or volunteer!) at this bathhouse in Hakuba--you'll know why I think so when you watch the video clip below!

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