アメリカGAYライフ American Gay Life by an expat Japanese

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LAエンタメ・ライフ / LA Entertainment

2008-04-21 03:10:43 | 旅行・外国
今週は、ハリウッドのエジプシャン・シアターで、Film Noir(フィルム・ノワール)映画祭が開かれていて、ジャドソンと知人のビクトールと見てきました。いわゆる、1950年代の白黒映画で、身を追われるやくざモノ(もちろんハンサム)と、彼と運命を共にする美女という一貫した形式の映画。僕らが見たのは、Tomorrow is Another Dayと、Highway 301。

This week, I went to see two films of the Film Noir Festival at the Egyptian Theater in Hollywood. I was with Judson and his friend. A film noir is black-and-white film from the 1950's, in which typically an out-law guy (who is handsome, of course) and a 'fem fatale' share the fate. We saw "Tomorrow is Another Day" and "Highway 301."


The Egyptian Theater itself is worth while seeing.

あと、LACMA(通称ラクマ、LA County Museum of Art)にも行ってきました。とても広くて、アメリカ近代美術のビルが新設されていて、そこで展示されているブロンドのチンパンジーとマイケルジャクソンは必見。日本コレクションも充実していて、日本の美術史が一瞬にして見れます。あと、「根付」のコレクションが豊富。

I also went to the LACMA (LA County Museum of Art). It's very spacious and a new building devoted to modern American art has just been added, where you shouldn't miss an object of the blond chimp and Michael Jackson. LACMA has also rich collection of Japanese art and you can see the Japanese art history in a nutshell. There are so many kinds of 'netsuke' too.

オススメレストランとしては、ウェストハリウッドにあるこじんまりしたイタリア・レストランVivoli Cafe。テイクアウトも可能みたいで、僕が行った金曜夜もかなりにぎわってました。あと、Thaiタウンにある激安タイ料理のレストランも一押しだった。けど名前を忘れた・・・。ジャドソンに言わせると、LA在住のアジア系住人であれば、絶対に知ってるレストランらしい。

As far as restaurants go, I'd recommend a small Italian restaurant in West Hollywood, called Vivoli Cafe. You can take out foods too. We went there on Friday night and it was packed. I'd also recommend a super-cheap and scrumptious Thai restaurant in Thai town. But I forget the name . . . According to Judson, every Asian-American/Asian people in LA must know this place.


I also checked out a faddish frozen yogurt place, Pinkberry. It was yummy but a regular size with three toppings for $5 is too expensive. I learned that a branch in Beverly Hills got a long line of people, so that neighbors filed complaints and/or lawsuits. Judson told me that it's not pure yogurt, though it's called frozen yogurt, and includes a lot of artificial ingredients such as oil or something . . . I don't know how much grounded truth is in his story but at least Pinkberry has been talked about a lot.

あと、去年就航したばかりのVirgin Americaもオススメ。各座席にモニターがついてるのは珍しくないけど、衛星放送でCNNやその他ケーブル番組がライブで見られるほか、NHKの「Cool Japan」や「ためしてがってん」も放送していて驚いた。25ドル払えば、プレミア座席に座れて足元ゆったり。25ドルの価値あり。(ただし、格安なだけあって、映画、スナックなどは全て有料。ソフトドリンクだけが無料でした。)

I'd also recommend Virgin America which has just started operating (last year?). It's not so rare nowadays to see an individual monitor for each seat but you can see live CNN and other cable channels. In addition, you can also see NHK's "Cool Japan" and "Tameshite Gatten" in Japanese! It is cool. If you pay extra $25, you can get a premier seat with extra leg room. It's worth while paying $25. (That said, it's a cheap ticket, so movies, snacks, and others all cost. Only soft drinks (and basic cable channels and music channels) are free on board.)
