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テストの内容(13) Writing - Part2

2017-09-18 14:40:38 | Test content(B2First)
Part 2 Candidates choose one task from a choice of three questions.


Write an answer to one of the questions 2 - 4 in this part. Write your answer in 140 -190 words in an appropriate style on separate answer sheet. Put the question number in the box at the top of the answer sheet.

Usually written for an English-language magazine of news letter and the reader is assumed to have similar interests to the writer. The main purpose is to interest and engage the reader, so there should be some opinion or comment.

Written in response to the situation outlined in the question. Letters and emails will require a response which is consistently appropriate in register and tone for the specified target reader. Candidates can expect to be asked to write letters or emails to, for example, English-speaking friend or colleague, a potential employer, a collage principal or a magazine editor.

Always written for the teacher. It should answer the question given by addressing both content points and providing a new content point of the writer's own. The essay should be well organised, with an introduction and an appropriate conclusion and should be written in appropriate register and tone.

Usually written for a superior (e.g. teacher) or peer group (e.g. members of English club). Candidates are expected to give some factual information and make suggestions or recommendations. A report should be clearly organised and may include headings.

Usually written for an English-Language magazine, newspapers or website. The main purpose is to describe and express a personal opinion about something which the writer has experienced (e.g. a film, a holiday, a product, a website) and to give the reader a clear impression of what the item discussed is like. Description and explanation are key functions for the task, and a review will normally include a recommendation to the reader.

Sample問題では、ReviewとArticleとカジュアルEmailですが、First for Schools向け?と思うような内容。

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