English for apes

Sleep on firewood. Lick bitter liver. Expose test results.

Litter on beaches

2024-09-01 21:30:44 | Reading - local/society
The people who had interviewed have different impressions on the litters on the beach. It's anecdotal.
One man makes periodical reports on the data of litters and he doesn't say the amount of them have been decreasing. He just says changing.
I can say that the beaches have been cleaned because of the effort of locals.

Litter on beaches has improved, islanders say

islander (accent)
no two ways about it [Collins] [spoken, emphasis] you are emphasizing that there is no doubt at all about a particular situation or about how it should be interpreted.
breathe down someone's neck [Collins]to stay close to someone, esp to oversee what they are doing [quote]without breathing down people's necks all the time you're never going to solve the problem
wind up (pronunciation) [Collins]When you wind up an activity, you finish it or stop doing it.
in the main [Collins]If you say that something is true in the main, you mean that it is generally true, although there may be exceptions.
a fair bit of {Wikitionary](informal, UK) a little bit, somewhat, kind of; a good amount


2024-09-01 19:40:12 | Reading - travel/event
A short reading but interesting survey results. Travel is the top priority for spending for most of people, like me.
It seems that the price of flights and accommodations will not be decrease due to the demand.

Four in five people ‘planning to spend same or more on holidays in next year’

draw to a close / draw to an end [quote]As the summer holidays draw to a close
getaway [Collins]A getaway is a short holiday somewhere.
[quote]43% of people cited “guaranteed sunshine” as making the perfect getaway.[unquote]
underscore[US] = underline[BR]

I completely mixed up getaway with gateway...

[quote]The research also pointed to holidaymakers wanting to tour around multiple destinations during a single getaway[unquote]
I want to know the reason of this.
I assume that travellers are gaining experience and aren't satisfy with only destinations that have a direct flight from their location, or they travel to further destinations than before.
Or, it may be economical reason to spend to explore efficiently in one trip.