English for apes

Sleep on firewood. Lick bitter liver. Expose test results.

toe the line

2024-04-20 12:53:16 | Reading - local/society
This is very Orwellian. We are just guinea pigs. I feel I'm just lucky to be alive.

Infected blood scandal: Children were used as 'guinea pigs' in clinical trials

medical words
haemophilia - haemophilia centres - United Kingdom Haemophilia Centre Doctors' Organisation UKHCDO
Hep C - hepatitis C - the potentially lethal viral infection hepatitis C
plasma [Collins]Plasma is the clear liquid part of blood which contains the blood cells.
cirrhosis - pronunciation
heat-treated Factor VIII / heat treatment
prophylaxis - This was preventative treatment, know as prophylaxis
von Willebrand's disease

administer [Collins]If a doctor or a nurse administers a drug, they give it to a patient.
contracted [Collins]If you contract a serious illness, you become ill with it.

cohort [Collins]A cohort of people is a group who have something in common. Cohort is used especially when a group is being looked at as a whole for statistical purposes.
[quote]Their doctor used his "unique" cohort of boys for extensive clinical trials.
riddled [Collins]If something is riddled with undesirable qualities or features, it is full of them.
plethora [Collins]A plethora of something is a large amount of it, especially an amount of it that is greater than you need, want, or can cope with.
[quote]There was a plethora of studies that we were all enrolled on for the decade we were at the school.
saline [Collins]A saline substance or liquid contains salt.
short window < window of opportunity
toe the line [quote]It would have meant their trials would have been flawed and so we, us kids, were made to toe the line.
infectiousness < infectious

I wondered why the "PUPs" or the "lab rats" were boys at first, but haemophilia is inherited genetic disorder and most commonly found in men.
The contaminated blood scandal in Japan was caused non-heat-treated blood products. This case was experiment of heat treatment.

This song was playing in my head while reading the article. We are the pigs. We are the guinea pigs.
The Butler's guitar and the music video are brilliant.

firing line [quote]We are the stars of the firing line
deceit [quote]But deceit can't save you

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