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Battle of Holbeck Moor

2024-10-06 10:35:10 | Reading - local/society
It's a last week's article. I was very busy last week to read articles. I only listened to news briefing or midnight news.

Search for memories of day Leeds stood up to Oswald Mosley in 1936

outnumber [quote]when a rally of 1,000 Blackshirts were outnumbered thirtyfold by anti-fascists
pelt [quote]Mosley and his supporters were pelted with stones by the counter-protesters
mounted [Collins]Mounted police or soldiers ride horses when they are on duty.
written all over someone's faces [quote] she remembered the hate written all over the faces of the young Blackshirts
sport [quote]Mosley famously himself sporting an injury visible the following week at Cable Street in London.
defiance - basic word!

Battle of Holbeck Moor
Battle of Cable Street
British Union of Fascists (BUF)
Oswald Mosley

[quote]“When the far right try to divide us and turn people against those seeking asylum or who are of particular religions they should be given the same message today. Let’s commemorate the past and ensure that Leeds remains fascist free now and in the future.”[unquote]

That's certainly true. It's not only the past. It was happened several months ago in Leeds. It's not only Leeds. It's everywhere in the world.
We can say that far right is a deliberate attempt to create a divide.

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