English for apes

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2023-06-28 20:55:41 | Reading - not classified

Rishi Sunak seen using erasable-ink pens on official documents and in meetings

This is a pen provided by and used widely by the civil service. The prime minister has never used the erase function and nor would he.”
This is a pen。これですね。
V-Pen Erasable - Fountain pen - Black - Medium Nib

ink eradicatorsは、フリクションみたいなこするのとは違って化学的なんですね。

イギリスだとちょっと高級。£4.75 円安だから。。うわー182.61 だ。久々に海外に行くときに限って円安。

The Guardian also revealed on Tuesday that Sunak’s government had placed a record number of blocks on freedom of information requests in its first three months, leading to accusations of a “culture of concealment”.
“Erasable ink, lost mobile phones and disappearing WhatsApp messages all add to a picture of a cavalier attitude towards ensuring government is accountable for its actions.”
cavalier attitude かっこいい態度かと思ったら。騎士の態度は悪いみたいです。

A Labour source said: “We already know Rishi Sunak is addicted to evasion, whether he’s hiding WhatsApp messages from the Covid inquiry or still refusing to disclose his full tax affairs, so no wonder people are going to be curious about his choice of these pens.
“But no amount of erasable ink can cover up his dismal record of failure and broken promises as chancellor and as prime minister.”
evasion < evade

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