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テストの内容(21) Speaking(補足)

2017-09-18 22:12:29 | Test content(First)
One examiner, the interlocutor, conducts the test and gives a global assessment of each candidate’s performance. The other, the assessor, does not take any part in the interaction but focuses solely on listening to, and making an assessment of, each candidate’s oral proficiency.


PART 1 Interview
This part tests the candidates’ ability to use social and interactional language.
The questions which are asked relate to the candidates’ own lives and focus on areas such as work, leisure time and future plans. Candidates are expected to respond to the interlocutor’s questions, and to listen to what their partner has to say.

PART 2 Long turn
This part tests the candidates’ ability to produce an extended piece of discourse.
Candidates are expected to point out similarities and differences between the photographs and then move on to deal with the question, answering it with reference to both photographs. Candidates have the opportunity to show their ability to organise their thoughts and ideas, and express themselves coherently with appropriate language. The listening candidate is also asked to comment (for about 30 seconds) after their partner’s long turn.

PART 3 Collaborative task
This part tests the candidates’ ability to engage in a discussion and to work towards a negotiated outcome of the task set.
They are given a discussion question, together with five written prompts designed to help candidates by providing ideas for their discussion. Candidates are expected to answer the question by exploring the different prompts. Candidates can choose which prompts to discuss and are not expected to discuss all five prompts in the time available but should continue their discussion until asked to stop by the interlocutor.
Candidates are expected to express and justify their opinions and speculate in order to have a conversation which answers the discussion question. The interlocutor will then ask candidates a second question designed to encourage them to summarise their discussion and to work towards a negotiated decision. Candidates are not penalised if they fail to reach a negotiated decision. They are assessed on their ability to hold a conversation, to turn-take appropriately, and to use the language of negotiation and collaboration while doing this.
The task is opinion based and there is no right or wrong answer. The task gives candidates the opportunity to show their range of language and their ability to invite the opinions and ideas of their partner. Candidates are expected to share the interaction in this way and to initiate and respond appropriately.

PART 4 Discussion
This part tests the candidates’ ability to engage in a discussion based on the topic of the collaborative task in Part 3.
This part of the test gives candidates an opportunity to show that they are capable of discussing issues in more depth than in the earlier parts of the test.


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