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2024-05-30 01:09:53 | Vocab - business
Finally... It's sad but I don't commute to the centre of London anymore. It was enjoyable to commute with the freesheet in London.

London Evening Standard to close daily newspaper and launch new weekly

outlet [Collins]An outlet is an organisation that publishes news.

hit sb hard
[quote]The newspaper said it has been hit hard by the introduction of wifi on the London Underground
[quote]design staff on the print edition are expected to be hit hard.
[Cambridge]If a situation or experience hits you hard, it makes you so upset that you have difficulty dealing with it:

owing to - I should use this more for writing
[quote]a shortage of commuters owing to the growth of working from home

reliant on / part-owner
[quote] and is reliant on funding from its part-owner Evgeny Lebedev
brace oneself for / on top of
[quote]there would be an “impact on staffing”, with journalists bracing themselves for further job losses on top of years of redundancies

shellshocked [Collins]in a state of stunned confusion or shock; dazed
shell shock [Collins]the confused or nervous mental condition of people who have been under fire in a war

proximity (accent) proks-I-mity
readership [Collins]the readership of a book, newspaper, or magazine is the number or type of people who read it.
opinion former [Collins]people who have a lot of influence over what the public thinks about things.

City AM
London Paper
London Lite
Matthew Moulding
Emily Sheffield
London Live

Finally... [quote]With 4G mobile phone signal being introduced across the London Underground this summer[unquote]

When I commuted to the City of London from zone 4, I had read Metro in the morning and ES in the evening on the Tube.
But after I moved to zone 2, I seldom read the papers on the tube because the cars were extremely crowded. I read ES at home instead.

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