English for apes

Sleep on firewood. Lick bitter liver. Expose test results.

roam, pretext

2023-01-17 22:30:48 | Reading - not classified

Historic wild camping tradition outlawed on part of Dartmoor

He said they would now consider their position carefully before deciding on whether to appeal, and on what grounds and in the meantime would amend their website and other information they provide to people who are planning to wild camp on Dartmoor.
Use of Englishに出てきそうな言い回し。

"From the outset it was clear that this whole case had nothing to do with the preservation of Dartmoor's delicate ecology," she said. "Instead, this was always one landowner's naked attempt to find any pretext to roll back the public's right to connect with nature on national parkland."
from the outset/at the outset


Right to wild camp in England lost in Dartmoor court case

Right to Roam  Right to Wild Camp The Stars Are for Everyone 読解力もやばい

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