English for apes

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テストの内容(19) Speaking(全般)

2017-09-18 19:58:50 | Test content(B2First)

In the test, one examiner (the interlocutor) will speak to you and your partner whilst the other (the assessor) will just listen and won’t talk or interact with you. The interlocutor will use your first name. To ensure that the test is fair for all candidates, the
interlocutor follows a script to help guide you through the test. Therefore, conversation during the test may not always feel normal or natural. You will take the Speaking test with another candidate (or sometimes two other candidates) and both you and your partner will be given an equal opportunity to speak. The test will have set time limits. If the interlocutor interrupts you, don’t worry. This shows you have spoken enough within that part of the test.



Part 1: Interview (2 minutes)
A conversation between the interlocutor and each candidate (spoken questions).
The examiner asks questions and you may have to give information about your interests, studies, career, etc.

Part 2: Long turn (1 minute / 30seconds)
An individual ‘long turn’ for each candidate, followed by a response from the second candidate (visual and written stimuli with spoken instructions).
The examiner gives you two photographs and asks you to talk about them. You have to speak for 1 minute without interruption and the interlocutor then asks the other candidate to comment on your photographs for about 30 seconds.
The other candidate receives a different set of photographs and you have to listen and comment when they have finished speaking. The question you have to answer about your photographs is written at the top of the page to remind you what you should talk about.

Part 3: Collaborative task (3 minutes: a 2-minute discussion followed by a 1-minute decision-making task)
A two-way conversation between the candidates (written stimuli, with spoken instructions).
Conversation with the other candidate. The examiner gives you some material and a task to do. You have to talk with the other candidate and make a decision.

Part 4: Discussion (4 minutes)
A two-way conversation between the candidates (written stimuli, with spoken instructions).
Further discussion with the other candidate, guided by questions from the examiner, about the topics or issues raised in the task in Part 3.

three candidates are tested together, the test format, test material and procedure will remain unchanged, but the timing will be longer: 20 minutes instead of 14.

What if the two candidates have very different personalities, e.g. one is very shy and one is very outgoing?
Examiners are trained to manage this situation and ensure that everyone has an equal chance to show their abilities during the test. However, you must try to make the best use of the time to show the examiners your language skills without dominating your partner.

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