English for apes

Sleep on firewood. Lick bitter liver. Expose test results.


2024-06-02 00:10:31 | Reading - politics
A short reading, but I learnt not only history but also good expressions.

‘Never again’: D:Ream ban Labour from using Things Can Only Get Better

ring out
rain-sodden [Collins]-sodden combines with words such as ' rain' to form adjectives which describe someone or something that has become extremely wet as a result of the thing that is mentioned
dismay [Collins](formal)If you are dismayed by something, it makes you feel afraid, worried, or sad.
sea change [Collins] A sea change in someone's attitudes or behaviour is a complete change.
intrinsically [Oxford]in a way that belongs to or is part of the real nature of somebody/something
< intrinsic

Peter Cunnah is an artist.
[quote]But after the war, I became politically homeless.[unquote]
[quote]I’ve learned the hard way.[..]It’s just a change of guard, someone handing the baton on[unquote]

Tony might have ended the band.
[quote]The original D:Ream line-up also included now-professor Brian Cox, but the group split up shortly after New Labour’s victory in 1997.[unquote]