Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;崔碩栄の X(on '24. 8/7)

2024-08-07 21:00:51 | Translation

Ref.>"エマニュエル駐日米大使、長崎の平和式典を欠席へ… イスラエル招待されず英も欠席"


>"三崎優太さん「また生活保護が認められず、ガーナ人男性が落胆してるって? 日本の税金は外国人の ATMじゃない」"

>"イギリスでの移民排斥騒乱で150人以上が逮捕… → 三崎優太さん「日本では普段当然のように守られている安全も、移民が増えることであっという間に崩れる」"


> Thugs target migrant hotels, clash with cops & set cars on fire as riots sweep across UK

Translation of X (* tweet) by Che Su-kyoung (on '24. 8/7)


> ドイツに長年留学、仕事をしていた韓国人の知人から聞いた話が忘れられない🧐

I can't forget a story I heard from a S. Korean acquaintance, who studied and worked in Germany for many years🧐
>"Even if Germany had been stronger in WWII and the war had prolonged, the U.S. would never have used an atomic bomb on Germany. To the U.S., Germany was an enemy, but they saw them as fellow human beings. They didn't see Asians as fellow human beings."



> 韓国にいる親友の甥が日本の会社に内定をもらい、来日するという。
> とりあえず住まいは通勤圏のレオパレスにすると。
> 会社は秋葉原、住まいは話題の川口市

The nephew of my best friend living in S. Korea has allegedly received an unofficial job offer from a Japanese company and will come to Japan.
For the time being, he will live in a Leopalace apartment within commuting distance.
The company is in Akihabara, and his residence will be in the much talked about Kawaguchi city.

> イギリス🇬🇧の反移民デモを
> と呼ぶのはどうかと思う🤔

I wonder whether or not it's correct to call the anti-immigration protests in the UK as follows;
* racist
* far-right🤔

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