Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;ロシアが大規模海軍演習 艦艇4百隻、兵員9万人超

2024-09-12 07:01:21 | Translation

Ref.>"Danger in Donbas as Ukraine's front line falters"

>"The Kremlin is close to crushing Pokrovsk, a vital Ukrainian town"

>"Last chance to escape: Ukrainians flee Pokrovsk as Russians advance"

>"Italy's Navy Brings 'Cavour' and 'Amerigo Vespucci' to Japan for the First Time"

> Ocean-24 Drills: Russia and China's Military Cooperation Aims to Counter West's Influence | TN World

Translation; 400 naval vessels and over 90,000 troops = Russia is conducting the large-scale naval exercise "Ocean-24"

>"ロシアが大規模海軍演習 艦艇4百隻、兵員9万人超"

> ロシア国防省は10日、太平洋や日本海などロシア周辺の海上などで海軍の戦略演習「海洋2024」を開始したと発表した。
> プーチン大統領によると、過去 30年で最大規模の海上演習。
> 400隻以上の艦艇や潜水艦のほか、9万人以上の兵員や航空機120機以上が参加し、中国の艦艇3隻や航空機15機も加わる。
> 16日まで。
> タス通信が報じた。

On Sept. 10, Russian Defense Ministry released that the naval strategic exercise "Ocean-24" was kicked off in the waters around Russia, including the Pacific Ocean and the Sea of ​​Japan.
According to President Vladimir Putin, it is the largest maritime exercise in the past 3 decades.
Other than more than 400 vessels and submarines, over 90,000 troops and over 120 aircraft are participating in it. Chinese three vessels and 15 aircraft will also participate in it.
The exercise will be run until Sept. 16.
The TASS reported so.

> プーチン氏は演習開始に伴って、軍幹部らを前にビデオ会議で演説し「米国が攻撃的な行動を通じて軍事的優位を獲得し、アジア太平洋地域の安全保障構造とパワーバランスを破壊しようとしている」と述べた。
> 約5分間で「米国」と5回も言及し、脅威を強調した。

In conjunction with the start of the exercise, President Putin made a speech with military executives in a video-conference, and said that "the U.S has been attempting to secure military dominance via aggressive behaviors, and break the established security architecture and balance of power in the Asia-Pacific region."
He commented on "the U.S." five times in about 5 minutes and emphasized the threat.

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