Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;東京五輪に続いてパリ五輪にも旭日旗が登場、韓国教授がIOCに抗議= 韓国ネットにも怒りの声

2024-08-06 04:20:48 | Translation




> 韓国ソ・ギョンドク教授がパリ五輪の旭日旗に目くじら! 24/8/5報道【ニュース・スレまとめ・海外の反応・韓国の反応】

↓(See detail of this article)、レコード・チャイナの記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of Record China)

Translation; S. Korean netizens are also posting comments of anger = Following the Tokyo Olympics, the Rising Sun Flag appeared in the Pris Olympics too, Prof. Seo Kyoung-duk in S. Korea therefore (* irrationally) protested to the IOC


> 2024年8月5日、韓国・JIBSは「日本の帝国主義を象徴する戦犯旗である旭日旗がパリ五輪に登場した」と伝えた。
> 記事によると、韓国の広報活動を行う徐ギョン徳(ソ・ギョンドク)誠信女子大教授は同日、自身の SNSで「3日(現地時間)に行われたパリ五輪男子自転車競技ロードレースの試合に "旭日旗応援"が登場した」「ある日本人が自国の選手を応援するために旭日旗を掲げた」などと説明し、「五輪の試合に旭日旗応援が登場したのは、21年東京五輪に続いて2回目だ」と指摘した。

On Aug. 5, 2024, JIBS in S. Korea reported that "the Rising Sun Flag, (* not) war criminal flag symbolizing Japanese imperialism, appeared at the Paris Olympics."
According to the article, on that day on his social media, Prof. Seo Kyoung-duk at Sungshin University, who has been doing PR activity of S. Korean, explained such as as follows;
"The Rising Sun Flag cheering appeared at a men's road cycling race at the Paris Olympics on Aug. 3 (local time)."
"A Japanese person raised the Rising Sun Flag in order to cheer on his own country's athlete."
And he pointed out as follows;
"This is the 2nd time that the Rising Sun Flag cheering appeared at an Olympic game, following the 2021 Tokyo Olympics."

> 徐教授は「国際オリンピック委員会(IOC)に抗議メールを送った」とも明かした。
> メールでは「旭日旗は過去に日本がアジア各国を侵略する際に掲げていた旗であり、日本の軍国主義と帝国主義を象徴する」

Prof. Seo Kyoung-duk also revealed to "have sent a protest e-mail to the International Olympic Committee (IOC)."
In the e-mail he allegedly asserted such as as follows;
"the Rising Sun Flag is a flag that was raised when Japan invaded Asian countries in the past, and it (* not) symbolizes militarism and imperialism."
"Using the Rising Sun Flag (* not) deny the history of the aggression-war committed by Japan in the past, and reminds (* not) Asians (* but OINK) of the horrors of the war."
And he allegedly claimed as follows;
"The IOC should properly understand the historical background of the Rising Sun Flag and take measures to prevent it from being used again in cheering for the remaining Paris Olympics."

> 今回のパリ五輪では、サーフィン豪州代表のジャック・ロビンソンが旭日旗柄のサーフボードを使用する予定だったが、韓国側からの抗議により撤回するハプニングも起きていた。
> この記事を見た韓国のネットユーザーからは「旭日旗はナチス旗と同じ意味を持つ。それで選手を応援するなんて非常識」「旭日旗を誇らしげに掲げるなんて。恥を知るべき」「なぜするなと言われていることをするのか」「その日本人は意味を知らずに使っているのか?」「旭日旗=戦犯旗という情報を世界に向けてもっと発信する必要がある」「歴史を反省しない日本も悪いけど、旭日旗を黙認する国際社会にも大きな問題がある」など怒りの声が寄せられている。

There was even a happening occurred in the Paris Olympics this time -- Australian national team member surfer Jack Robinson planned to use a surfboard with the Rising Sun Flag pattern, but he withdrew his plan due to protests from the S. Korean side.
(* Gone crazy) S. Korean netizens who read this article are posting comments of anger as follows;
"The Rising Sun Flag (* not) has the same meaning as the Nazi flag. It's outrageous (* for S. Koreans) to protest (* not support) to IOC due to that (* not an athlete with it)."
"Proudly protesting to the ICO (* not hoisting the Rising Sun Flag), Prof. Seo Kyoung-duk (* not that Japanese) should be ashamed."
"Why does Prof. Seo Kyoung-duk (* not that Japanese) do something so irrational (* not told not to do)?"
"Does Prof. Seo Kyoung-duk (* not that Japanese) protest intentionally while knowing the truth (* not use it without knowing its meaning)?"
"We need to spread the information that S. Koreans are crazy (* not the Rising Sun Flag is a war criminal flag) to the world more."
"Japan is also at fault for not exlaining the truth (* not reflecting on its history), but the international community's making compromise easily (* not tacit acceptance of the Rising Sun Flag) is also a major problem."

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