Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;杉田水脈議員(自民党)の X(on '24. 7/8)

2024-07-08 20:07:03 | Translation


>"笹川尭元総務会長「子どもの少ない人は反省を」 自民会合で発言"

>"「実質賃金」26か月連続の減少で過去最長 今年5月は前年同月比1.4%減"

>"【都知事選】組織・大手スポンサー無し、マスコミ完全スルーの暇空茜氏、7位の大健闘 ネットの力を証明"

>【山口】安倍元総理銃撃から2年 地元で三回忌法要

Translation of X (* tweets) by LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (LDP, on '24. 7/8)


> 今日は安倍晋三元総理の三回忌。
> 長門市の長安寺で催行された安倍家の法要に参列させていただき、静かに故人を偲びました。
> その後は旧清和研1〜4期のメンバーと共に安倍家の御墓参り。

Today marks the 2nd anniversary of the death of former PM Shinzo Abe.
I attended the Abe family memorial service held at Choan Temple in Nagato City, and quietly mourned the deceased.
Afterwards, I visited the Abe family grave with members of the former Seiwaseisaku Kenkyujo in terms of 1 to 4.
(to be continued)

> 今日は何回か取材を受けましたが、「安倍元総理のような世界の中の日本を見据え、果断を持って、未来を切り開く政治家を志したい」とお話ししました。

(to continue) The weather was fine, but the wind was strong, and I was reminded once again of the strong-willed way that PM Abe lived his life.
I was covered several times today, and I said that "I want to aspire to be a politician who, like former PM Abe, looks to Japan in the global context and opens up the future with determination."

> グアム鎮魂社での慰霊祭を終え、昨日帰国しました。
> お天気にも恵まれ、多くの方にご参列いただきました。
> お暑い中、ご奉仕くださった靖国神社の村田権宮司、山本権禰宜、本当にありがとうございます。

I returned to Japan yesterday after the memorial service at the Guam Chinkon Jinjya (* Guam requiem shrine).
We were blessed with fine weather and many persons attended that.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to "Associate Chief Priest Murata" & "Junior Priest Yamamoto" of Yasukuni Shrine for their service in the heat.
(To be continued)

> 神社を建立し、毎年慰霊祭を続けてくださっている地元の方々に感謝するのはこちらの方で、大変恐縮です。
> 今後も英霊の慰霊は続けて行きたいと思います。

(to continue) I attended that for the 1st time in 2015, and this time is the 7th time. This year we received a letter of thanks from the local persons.
It's so kind of them, as it's we who should be gratitude to the local persons who built the shrine and continue to hold the memorial service every year.
I would like to continuously join memorial services for the war dead from now on too.

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