Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;西村幸祐(ジャーナリスト)の X(on '24. 9/7)

2024-09-07 20:31:31 | Translation


>'【画像】小泉進次郎氏が昨日の記者会見で使った "カンペ"が凄い…'


>"【画像】産経「総裁選出馬の小泉進次郎氏、銀座の街頭演説に約5千人」→ 反応『これ5千人おる?』"

> ザッカーバーグが書簡で述べた、バイデンを有利にした Facebockの情報操作の真実 西村幸祐 AJER2024.9.7(1)

Translation of X (* tweets) by Kohyu Nishimura (journalist, on '24. 9/7)


> 実に素晴らしい。
> 高市早苗さんという政治家がいかに地に足がついた政治を具体的に進めているかという事。
> しかも日本列島の大地に足をつけた政策が、これまで多くの政治家によって無視されていたもの。
> 高市さんがここで挙げた政策は第2次安倍政権発足から日本復活に向かった延長線上にあるものです。

Really wonderful.
It shows how Takaichi Sanae, a politician, has been concretely pursuing politics realistically.
Moreover, policies that are grounded in the Japanese archipelago are ones that have been ignored by many politicians until now.
The policies that Takaichi mentioned here are an extension of the path toward reviving Japan that has been taken since the launch of the 2nd Abe administration.



> かつて小沢一郎が、日本が〈失われた30年〉を迎えた時に「神輿(みこし)に乗せるのは馬鹿で軽い方がいい」と言った。
> 海部首相を小沢が作り上げた時の言葉。
> で、問題は進次郎氏にこんなアホ発言を誰がさせたか、神輿に乗せたのは誰かという事。
> 進次郎氏 夫婦別姓「1年でやる」

Ichiro Ozawa once said that, when just after Japan entered "lost 3 decades," "It's better to carry something stupid and light on a Mikoshi (portable shrine)."
It's the words when Ozawa created Prime Minister Kaifu.
Then the question is, who made Shinjiro make such a stupid statement, and who put him on a mikoshi.
Shinjiro says separate surnames for married couples "will be done in a year."

>"小泉進次郎氏「1年でやる」 三つの改革を明言 総裁選出馬表明"


> 日本人なら当前で、そうさせない動きは多い。
> 河野太郎が自民党総裁選立候補に際し、産経のインタビューで「男系の皇位継承が大事」と答えた。
> 従来の河野氏の政治姿勢から考えられない発言だった。
> 本心かどうかは別にしても、思考力のある人ならこう考える常識を示した事が重要

This is only natural for Japanese persons, while there are many moves to prevent this from happening.
At the running for LDP presidential election, Taro Kono said in an interview with Sankei Shimbun that "male-lineage succession to the throne is important."
This was an unthinkable statement given Kono's conventional political stance.
Whether this is his true intention or not, what does matter is that he showed the common sense that anyone with the ability to think does think this way.

>"河野太郎氏インタビュー「男系の皇位継承が大事」 出馬理由は「小泉純一郎式で改革推進」"



> 一色さん、僕は当時の民主党政権が隠蔽した尖閣沖シナ漁船海保艦体当たり事件の映像を、職を賭してネットカフェからインターネットに公開した、愛国心と勇気ある海上保安官がいた事は忘れませんよ。
> 教科書に載せるべきです。

Isshiki-san, I will never forget that there was a patriotic & courageous Coast Guard officer, who risked his job to post a footage showing "the 2010 Senkaku Chinese fishing boat collision with JCG patrol boat incident" from an internet cafe, which was covered up by the Democratic Party administration at the time.
This should be in textbooks.


>"2010年9月7日 尖閣沖で中国漁船衝突事件"


> 14年前、尖閣沖海保艦体当たり事件の映像を一色さんが匿名で公開した直後に、11月に日比谷野音で行われた集会。
> まだ一色さんの名前も解らず、SENGOKU38というアカウント名でスピーチしたのが懐かしい。

This was a rally held at the Hibiya Open-Air Concert Hall in November 14 years ago, just after Isshiki opend the footage shoiwing the 2010 Senkaku Chinese fishing boat collision with JCG patrol boat incident.
It's nostalgic that I made a speech using his account name of "SENGOKU38," while not knowing Issiki's name yet.


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