Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳:対日政策「弱腰」と抗議集会 韓国の市民団体、大統領府付近で

2024-05-27 06:23:45 | Translation


>"【韓国】元慰安婦ら「屈辱外交」と抗議 日韓首脳会談の直前に"

>"【韓国】元徴用工「少しでも補償して」 原告らと支援者、ソウルで集会"

>【海外の反応】 "フェイク慰安婦"の声があがり続ける、李容洙さん会見後の「大批判の声」

Translation; Civic organization(s) in S. Korea held a protest rally near the presidential palace, saying that the policy measures to Japan was "weaknee"

>"対日政策「弱腰」と抗議集会 韓国の市民団体、大統領府付近で"

> 韓国の尹錫悦政権の対日政策は弱腰の「屈辱外交」だと批判する市民団体は 26日、日韓首脳会談が開かれたソウルの大統領府付近で抗議集会を開いた。
> 有識者の間には来年の日韓国交正常化 60周年に合わせた共同文書発出に前向きな声もあるが、団体は歴史問題などで「日本に免罪符を与える」として反対を訴えた。

Civic organization(s) in S. Korea -- which criticizes that the policy measures to Japan by the S. Korean Yoon Suk-yeol administration, saying that its weaknee "humiliation diplomacy" -- held a protest rally near the presidential office on May 26.
Some experts are positive about issuing a joint document in conjunction with next year's 60th anniversary of the normalization of the Japan-S. Korea diplomatic relations. However, the organization(s) appealed an objection to that, saying that it would "give Japan an indulgence" on historical issues, etc.

> 雨の中、旧日本軍の従軍慰安婦だった李容洙さん(95)も訪れ、元慰安婦らへの賠償を命じた韓国での確定判決に従うよう、日本政府に求めた。
> 団体は領土・歴史問題を巡る日本側主張のほか、総務省が通信アプリ LINEの運営元に韓国IT大手との資本関係見直しを求めたことも非難した。

Lee Yong-soo (95), a former Japanese forces' (* fake) comfort woman, also visited there in the rain, and (* unfairly) demanded Tokyo to comply with the finalized verdict (* unfairly) ordering compensation to former comfort women, which was handed down in S. Korea.
Other than the Japan's claims on "territorial" & "historical" issues, the organization(s) also criticized the Japanese MIC' requirement for the operator of the communications app LINE to review its capital relations with the major IT company in S. Korea.


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