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アフガニスタン 9.11に爆弾テロ 米兵77名が負傷

2011-09-12 | 中東北アフリカ情勢
Bomb Wounds Dozens Of U.S. Soldiers In Afghanistan


by NPR Staff and Wires

September 11, 2011
At least 77 U.S. soldiers were wounded and five Afghan civilians killed when a truck bomb targeted a base west of Kabul.
カブール西部の基地を標的としたトラックの爆弾で、少なくとも77名の米国の兵士が負傷し、5名のアフガニスタンの市民が死亡した。Saturday's attack shaved the facades from shops outside the Combat Outpost Sayed Abad in Wardak province and broke windows in government offices nearby, said Roshana Wardak, a former parliamentarian who runs a clinic in the nearby town of the same name.
Wardak province borders the Afghan capital, Kabul, but is considered to be partially under the control of the Taliban, which claimed responsibility for the attack.
Eight wounded civilians were brought to the former parliamentarian's clinic, two of them with wounds serious enough that they were sent to Kabul. She said one 3-year-old girl died of her wounds on the way to the clinic.
8名の負傷した民間人は前の議会のクリニックに搬送された、うち二人は重症でカブールに後送される。 彼女は負傷した3歳の少女が搬送中に死亡したと話した。
The Wardak governor's office confirmed the death toll and said a total of 17 Afghans were wounded — 14 civilians and three security officers.
ワルダクの政府事務所は総計17名の死亡を確認したと発表、うち14人が民間人で3名が警備員だった。The attack was carried out by a Taliban suicide bomber who detonated a large bomb inside a truck carrying firewood, NATO said.
"Most of the force of the explosion was absorbed by the protective barrier at the outpost entrance," NATO said, adding that the damage was repairable and that operations were continuing.
NATO said none of the 77 injuries sustained by the Americans were life-threatening. Spokesman Maj. Russell Fox said Sunday that all the international troops at the combat outpost are American.
NATOによるとアメリカ人によって保護されている77名のけが人に生命の別状はないとしている。 スポークスマンのラッセル・フォックス少佐は日曜日に、その戦闘前哨基地の国際部隊は全て米国の部隊だと発表した。
American officials held commemorations of the Sept. 11 attacks Sunday, while the Taliban issued a statement denouncing the invasion 10 years ago.
The truck bombing came hours after the Taliban vowed to keep fighting U.S. forces in Afghanistan until all American troops leave the country. The group stressed it had no role in the Sept. 11 attacks.
このトラックの爆弾テロは、タリバンが、米軍がアフガニスタンを撤退するまで、アフガニスタンにおいて米軍と戦い続けると宣誓した数時間後に敢行された。 同グループは、この攻撃は9.11テロ攻撃とは何の関連もないことを強調した。
On Sunday, the U.S. Embassy in Kabul held a memorial service to mark the anniversary of Sept. 11. A military band played as U.S. troops raised an American flag in front of about 300 assembled U.S. and Afghan officials.
Marine Corps Gen. John Allen, the commander of U.S. and NATO troops in Afghanistan, urged those assembled to honor the memory of those who died.
"On that day, we lost mothers and fathers, sons and daughters we lost people of many nations and many religions, today we remember, we honor them all," he said.

The Afghan foreign minister said the attacks bound Afghans and Americans together in a "shared struggle."
In a statement emailed to media, the Taliban accused the United States of using the Sept. 11 attacks as a pretext to invade Afghanistan and said the international community was responsible for killing thousands of Afghans during the invasion and ensuing occupation.
アフガニスタンの外務大臣はこのテロはアフガニスタンとアメリカを共通の戦いの中で結びつけたと挨拶した。 一方メディアに送られたEメールの声明で、タリバンは米国がこの9.11をアフガニスタン侵略の口実に利用していると非難し、国際社会は侵略とそれに続く占領により何千人ものアフガニスタン人を殺害した責任をとるべきだと訴えた。
"Each year, 9/11 reminds the Afghans of an event in which they had no role whatsoever," the Taliban said. "American colonialism has shed the blood of tens of thousands of miserable and innocent Afghans."
The United States and its allies invaded Afghanistan on Oct. 7, 2001, after the Taliban, who then ruled the country, refused to hand over Osama bin Laden.
The late al-Qaida leader was at the time living in Afghanistan, where the terrorist network had training camps from which it planned attacks against the U.S. and other countries.
"The Afghans have an endless stamina for a long war," the statement said. "Through a countrywide uprising, the Afghans will send the Americans to the dustbin of history like they sent other empires of the past."
「アフガニスタンは長期戦に耐える、限り無いスタミナ(持久戦能力)を有している。 全国規模の闘争を通じて、アフガニスタンは、米国が過去に他の帝国を追いやったように、米国を歴史のゴミ箱の中に送り込む。」とその声明は述べている。
The statement was issued by the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, the official title used by the Taliban when they ruled the country.
The insurgent group continues to launch regular attacks and orchestrate assassination campaigns against those allied with the government.

Although the Taliban were swiftly driven from power by the U.S.-led coalition, they managed to use the years of the Iraq war — when America focused its military strength on the conflict against Saddam Hussein — to regroup, rearm and reorganize.
They began winning back ground lost to the international military coalition until President Obama decided to send in 30,000 more troops last year to help.
Although the coalition has made some gains in the Taliban's traditional southern strongholds, violence has not abated around the country.
タリバンは、オバマ大領領が昨年3万人の兵力の増派を決定するまでに、国際連合軍に対しする失地を奪還し始めていた。 連合軍はタリバンの伝統的な南部拠点の幾つかを奪還しているが、国内での戦闘は沈静化していない。
Women and children are among the dead in two separate roadside bombs on Saturday that had no obvious military targets. One was in restive Paktika province, along the border with Pakistan. The other bomb struck in northern Kunduz province.
女性や子供が土曜日の二か所での道路際の爆弾で死亡したが、これは明らかに軍事目標に対する攻撃ではない。 一か所は反体制の強いパキスタン国境のパクティカ地方で、もう一つは北のクンダズ地方であった。
The U.S. has begun withdrawing some of its 100,000 troops and will send home 33,000 by the end of next year. The international military coalition has already begun transferring security responsibilities to newly trained Afghan forces with the aim of removing all their soldiers by the end of 2014.
米軍は10万人の軍の撤退を初めており、今年の末までに3300人を帰還させるとしている。 国際連合軍は、2014年の末の完全撤退に向けて、既に治安の責任を新たに訓練されたアフガニスタン軍に移譲し始めている。Bin Laden was killed in May in a raid on his house in northwestern Pakistan by helicopter-borne U.S. Navy SEALs.
NPR's Quil Lawrence contributed to this report, which contains material from The Associated Press

