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World News


2011-08-21 | 軍事
Libyan Rebels Face Onslaught From Regime Forces
by The Associated Press

リビアの内戦が、反乱軍が首都に肉薄する中、いよいよ大詰めを迎えつつある。NATOの空からの援護が功を奏しているが、反乱軍(市民)の勇敢な戦いぶりが目につく。 イラクと比較すると、やはり市民が恐怖に負けずに立ち上がったところでは反乱軍(市民)は強いと感じる。 イラクは内部の腐敗もあり、軍の士気も低そうだ、米軍撤退後に持ちこたえられるか不安が残る。かつての南ベトナムもそうであった。少し注目して逐次お知らせしていきたい。

Marc Hofer /AFP/Getty Images
Two Libyan rebel fighters engage snipers holed up in a hotel at the main square of the western city of Zawiya, about 25 miles west of Tripoli.

August 19, 2011
Libyan rebels took cover from mortars, rockets and anti-aircraft fire Friday as they were pinned down in the center of Zawiya while NATO's bombing campaign helped slow Moammar Gadhafi's ability to send reinforcements to the strategic western city.


The fierce onslaught by regime troops in Zawiya, just 30 miles west of Tripoli, signaled a slow and bloody push for opposition fighters as they try to advance toward the capital.
Still, Gadhafi's troops seemed increasingly isolated, scrambling to use all force available to hold back rebels at the western front. NATO has stepped up bombings in Tripoli in recent days, while rebels blocked Gadhafi's supply route from Tunisia.

トリポリの西30マイルのザウィヤにおいて政府軍の激しい猛攻は、首都に肉薄しようとする反乱軍に出血を強い、その前進を遅滞させている。 カダフィ軍は孤立を更に強めており、反乱軍を西部以遠に拘束するために、あらゆる兵力を集中している。 NATOは、ここ数日トリポリの爆撃をエスカレートさせ、反乱軍はチュニジアからのカダフィ軍の補給幹線を遮断している。

Fighting in Zawiya has focused on two main streets Omar Mokhtar and Gamal Abdel-Nasser streets. At the front line, rebel field commander Rida Shaeb said Gadhafi forces held the main Zawiya hospital, as well as a hotel and a bank on the main square. Shaeb's unit of about two dozen men was pinned down about 200 yards from the main square, and left its position after a particularly heavy barrage of mortars and rockets.

ザウィヤでの戦闘はオマール・ムクタとガマル・アブドル‐ナッサー通りの二つの主要道路沿いを主戦場としている。 最前線では、反乱軍の現地司令官リダ・シャエブによると、カダフィ軍はザウィヤのメインの病院を押さえており、中心街のホテルや銀行も押えているとのこと。シャエブの24人程度の部隊は中心地から200ヤード離れたところに孤立していたが、特に迫撃砲とロケット弾による激しい弾幕射撃を受け、その陣地を撤退している。

Across the country, NATO has maintained a bombing campaign on Gadhafi military targets after instituting a no-fly zone decision in March. The coalition said it took out four military facilities and a surface-to-air missile in Tripoli, as well as a command center, two armored vehicles and five tanks on Thursday in Zawiya.

NATO軍は、3月に飛行禁止空域を設定したあと、全国的に、カダフィ軍に対し空爆作戦を継続している。 連合軍はトリポリの4つの軍事施設と地対空ミサイルを排除し、ザウィヤの指揮所、2両の装甲車、そして5両の戦車を木曜日に破壊したと発表した。

The alliance also said NATO warplanes sunk a tugboat carrying troops loyal to Moammar Gadhafi away from Zawiya on Wednesday. The strike occurred after pilots noticed a unit of government troops that had been fighting in the oil refinery using a tugboat "in an attempt to redeploy to new positions," according to British military spokesman Maj. Gen. Nick Pope.

連合軍によるとNATOの戦闘機はザウィヤを出た、カダフィ軍への援軍を乗せたタグボートを水曜日に撃沈したとのこと。 英国の軍のスポークスマンであるニック・ポープ中将によると、この攻撃は政府軍の部隊が、新しい陣地へ再展開するために石油精錬工場で、タグボートを使って戦闘していたのをパイロットが発見し、実施したものである。

One of the jets used a laser-guided bomb to hit the boat, he said in London. "It was clear from their actions that these troops continued to pose a threat to the local population," Pope said. He did not elaborate.
An officer at NATO's operational headquarters in Naples, Italy, said a rescue attempt was made after aircraft spotted several survivors of the sinking swimming toward a nearby buoy. The officer could not be identified under standing rules.

NATOのイタリアナポリにある作戦本部の幹部によると、近くのブイに泳いでいる、同ボートの生存者を発見し、救出しているとのこと。 その幹部は作戦規定により誰かは明らかにされなかった。

The NATO bombings, along with the rebels' success in cutting off the supply line to Tripoli with the outside world by controlling the road from the capital to Tunisia, have made it difficult for the Gadhafi regime to reinforce its troops at the front lines.
On Gamal Abdel-Nasser Street, rebel fighters took cover behind a building as they were pounded by Grad multiple rocket-launching systems and mortars as well as anti-aircraft missiles.


Shaeb's men carried only light weapons and assault rifles; some of his forces also had knives.
Zawiya was one of the first cities to rise up against the Gadhafi regime when the Libyan revolt began in mid-February on the heels of the Tunisian and Egyptian revolutions.
Protests were quickly crushed by the Gadhafi regime, even going as far as razing a local mosque in the main square that rebels used as a meeting point and makeshift hospital.


The rebels claimed Thursday they had captured the 120,000-barrel-per-day refinery in fighting that could be a turning point in the six-month civil war between Gadhafi and forces seeking to oust him.
The flow of crude to the refinery from fields in the southwest of Libya had largely been halted since midsummer and its capture was unlikely to have a major impact on Gadhafi's ability to secure fuel, but it was seen as a significant step in the rebel advance toward the capital.


Meanwhile, the International Organization for Migration said an operation to rescue "large numbers" of Egyptians and other foreigners, including a large group of journalists, from Tripoli will begin in coming days.
IOM spokeswoman Jemini Pandya said on Friday that the organization has appealed to donors for emergency funding to finance the evacuation, which was needed because the road between Tunisia and Tripoli has been closed.


"We have a very limited window of opportunity to carry out this operation because of the fighting, so it is essential that we are not constrained by a lack of funds from the outset," she told reporters in Geneva.
Explosions also shook the capital early Friday as NATO jets circled overhead. Flames lit up the Tripoli skies near Gadhafi's Bab al-Aziziya headquarters and army barracks.
Seven thunderous blasts could be felt at a hotel where foreign journalists stay in Tripoli. Residents also told the AP that three strikes hit the road to the airport in the capital.


In Tripoli, a government official said that NATO had killed the brother of Gadhafi's spokesman, Moussa Ibrahim.
The official said Hasan Ibrahim, 25, and others were struck by bullets fired from an Apache helicopter while on foot in Zawiya's central square.
The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity in line with government policy, said he did not yet have information on other casualties from the incident but accused NATO of killing civilians and providing air cover for rebels to advance on Libyan cities.


