「レスター・レヴェンソンのリリーシング」- I'm trying to show you the entire way.

Lester:「私は、あなたに全ての道を案内しようとしています。」 2015-10-04-09:45JST

Bernadette Roberts (バーナデット・ロバーツ) 1931~ (07)

2013-06-19 19:15:38 | 参考-話題 (opinion)
Bernadette Roberts (バーナデット・ロバーツ) 1931~ (07)

The Real Truth of Life: The Experience of No-self


The Experience of No-self by Bernadette Roberts

It's a true story of how one can achieve the cessation of self (one of the important characteristics of people who are free)


Bernadette Roberts was born in the pious Catholic family in the state of California, USA


Since childhood she has the talent to meditate, sit quietly in his room. Father & mother of Bernadette encourage this talent.


At age 15 she entered the monastery, became a nun. The goal is to develop the talents of meditation.


According to the teachings of Christian mysticism, the goal of meditation is to unite with God. That is the ultimate goal. There is still 'self', it's just that at its peak, 'self' is not separate from God.


In the convent, Bernadette claimed to have achieved the highest goal of Christian mysticism. Every night she went into the depths of her mind which she called "the still point" (point of silence), and be with the Lord, which compared like a coin, on one side is God and on the other side is Bernadette, and can not be separated. Describes the situation as a distinguished atmosphere of serene, safe and peaceful, where there is no disturbance of mind and desire can enter.

修道院では、バーナデットは、キリスト教神秘主義の最高の目標を達成したと主張した。毎晩、彼女は神と反対側には、バーナデットある彼女は"まだポイント"(沈黙のポイント)と呼ばれ、片側にコインのように比較して主よ、、とのことで彼女の心の奥に行き、分離することはできません。 、穏やかな、安全で平和な、全く心の乱れと欲望が存在しない場所を入力することができますの抜群の雰囲気と状況を説明しています。


Bernadette reach the ability to enter and exit from the 'still-point' whenever she wants.


At the age of 25 years, she disrobe. The reason is there are not anything more that needs to be done and needs to be achieved in the monastery. In fact, according to her, with God's existence must be tested "in the market", in crowded public life.


She is married, and had four sons. She attended again, reaching S2 degree in education, then taught at a high school. Meanwhile, she still running role as housewives.


So life went on for 20 years. Every night she remained in meditation, entered into a "still-point", "united with God." Her husband and her children are very supportive of their mother's behavior which "strange".


Twenty years later there was a tremendous event, which was not expected and it never occurred to the minds of Bernadette.


Remember, she was a Catholic, she never read the books of an Eastern spiritual or mystical (Buddhist, Hindu, etc.).


During that time, she knew just a smart books for the monks /nuns of Catholic, written by St. John of the Cross and St. Teresa of Avila. The purpose of Catholic mysticism in both books is "union with God." It never occurred to her the possibility of self / I was able to disappear.

その間、彼女は十字架の聖ヨハネとアビラの聖テレサによって書かれたカトリックの修道士 / 修道女、のためだけの賢い本を知っていた。両方の本のカトリック神秘主義の目的は、「神との結合」です。それは彼女に自己の可能性を発生することはありません / 私は消えることができました。

One night, when she will enter into the "still-point", she could not find that "still-point". Instead, she saw only a kind of "black hole" in her mind. The "Black hole" is getting bigger, filling the whole himself, and then erupted like a balloon. She was like dropped from the elevator that broke the chain as high as 100 floors down.


Arriving at the "bottom", she opened her eyes, and see everything around her, in her room, no one changed. But there is one major change: she could not feel her inner self! No emotion, no self-feeling, as the center looked around. No more me, a subject, which deal with the object. Everything is an object, even her own body was seen as an object, which is no different than bodies of others. No subject, who was at the center of its existence.

「底」(ボトム) に到着し、彼女は目を開けて、彼女の部屋に、彼女の周りのすべてを参照して、誰も変わっていない。しかし、一つの大きな変化があります:彼女は彼女の内面を感じることができませんでした!中心地としていいえ感情、無自己感は、周りを見回していません。これ以上私には、オブジェクト(物)を扱う主題、すべてがオブジェクト(物)であっても、彼女自身の体が他人の体とは異ならないオブジェクト(物)、と見られていた。主題 (その存在の中心にあった) はありません。

主題 (この人はその存在の中心にいました) はありません。)

No emotion, no pleasant feeling, happiness, and no sense of grief, suffering. The body remained there, five-senses still functioning perfectly, intellect and memory of factual menacing still there, but no more self / subject in her mind. The body exists, there is physical pain, but no longer feel suffered because of physical pain.

いいえ感情なし、快感、幸福、そして悲しみ感のない、苦しみ。ボディは五感まだ完全に、知性と事実上の威嚇まだそこのメモリが機能し、そこに残ったが、これ以上の自己 / 彼女の心の被写体。ボディは物理的な痛みがある、存在しますが、もはやため物理的な痛みを被った感じはありません。

体はそこに残りました、五感は完全に機能すること、知性とそこの事実の脅迫的なスチールの記憶を鎮めます、しかし、彼女のどんな自己 / 私(主題)も気にしません。

She must learn again to adapt for two years to return to serve as a member of a distinguished family & society whose "normal." She must learn to see her husband is different from other men, although there was no longer feeling that the man is "MY-husband". Similarly, she must relearn her role as a mother to four children who are teenagers; the four children that are different from their other teenager friends, though in her mind there was no longer feeling of "They are MY kids."

彼女は名門 &「正常(標準)な」社会の一員として機能するように戻るには、2年間の適応するために再び学ばなければならない。
(同様に、彼女は、ティーンエイジャーである4人の子どもへの母親としての役割を再び学ばなければなりません; それらの他のティーンエイジャーの友達とは異なる4人の子ども、彼女の心の中の気持ちは、もはやありませんでしたけれども、 「彼らは私の子供です。」)

And most interesting is, when self / I was lost in the events of that night, along with that, the God whom she knew was gone!
She can no longer find God whom she was familiar and with whom she was in the "still-point" every night for twenty years.

自己 / 私はその夜の出来事で失われたときに、最も興味深いのは、そのとともに、、ですが、彼女は知っていた神が消えていた!彼女はよく知っていたし、誰と、彼女が20年間のための"まだポイント"毎晩していた人、彼女は神を見つけることができなくなります。
(そして最も面白い、自己 / 私がそれに加えて、その夜の出来事に没頭していた時、彼女が知っていた神は去りました!

But instead, everywhere she looked, in her mind's eye she saw something else. 'Something else' is seen pervading everything imaginable in her view. And she INTUITIVELY knows that 'something else' is the source of all things imaginable in this universe, and into which everything will be back.

しかし、その代わりに、どこでも彼女は心の目で、彼女は何か他のものを、見た。 「何か他のものは」彼女の見解(ビュー)で想像のすべてを浸透、見られている。そして彼女は直感的に「何か他のものが」この宇宙の想像万物の源であり、すべてが戻ってくる先のことを知っています。


I remember Udana 1.10: "In reference to the seen, there
will be only the seen. In reference to the heard, only the heard. In reference
to the sensed, only the sensed. In reference to the cognized, only the cognized.
That is how you should train yourself. When for you there will be only the seen
in reference to the seen, only the heard in reference to the heard, only the
sensed in reference to the sensed, only the cognized in reference to the
cognized, then, Bahiya, there is no you in terms of that. When there is no you
in terms of that, there is no you there. When there is no you there, you are
neither here nor yonder nor between the two."

私はUdana 1.10を思い出します:

Until now Bernadette Roberts is still alive. But she could not be reached, because she does not have an email address. Bernadette's friend made a website / blog about her, "Bernadette's Friends", http://bernadettesfriends.blogspot.com/

今までバーナデット・ロバーツはまだ生きている。しかし、電子メール・アドレスを持たないので、彼女に連絡することができませんでした。バーナデットの友人は、ウェブサイト / 彼女についてのブログ、「バーナデットの友達」、http://bernadettesfriends.blogspot.com/ を作った。

This is one of statement taken from interview with Bernadette Roberts:



Bernadette Roberts (バーナデット・ロバーツ) 1931~ (06 - 3 - 3)
 2013-06-19 07:03:36 | 話題 (opinion) 

Awakening to Reality: Bernadette Roberts Interview


Bernadette Roberts Interview
Posted by: Wei Yu
Jul 04 2007


Stephan: How does the path to no-self in the Christian contemplative tradition differ from the path as laid out in the Hindu and Buddhist traditions?


Bernadette: I think it may be too late for me to ever have a good understanding of how other religions make this passage. If you are not surrendering your whole being, your very consciousness, to a loved and trusted personal God, then what are you surrendering it to? Or why surrender it at all? Loss of ego, loss of self, is just a by-product of this surrender; it is not the true goal, not an end in itself. Perhaps this is also the view of Mahayana Buddhism, where the goal is to save all sentient beings from suffering, and where loss of ego, loss of self, is seen as a means to a greater end. This view is very much in keeping with the Christian desire to save all souls. As I see it, without a personal God, the Buddhist must have a much stronger faith in the "unconditioned and unbegotten" than is required of the Christian contemplative, who experiences the passage as a divine doing, and in no way a self-doing.


Actually, I met up with Buddhism only at the end of my journey, after the no-self experience. Since I knew that this experience was not articulated in our contemplative literature, I went to the library to see if it could be found in the Eastern Religions. It did not take me long to realize that I would not find it in the Hindu tradition, where, as I see it, the final state is equivalent to the Christian experience of oneness or transforming union. If a Hindu had what I call the no-self experience, it would be the sudden, unexpected disappearance of the Atman-Brahman, the divine Self in the "cave of the heart", and the disappearance of the cave as well. It would be the ending of God-consciousness, or transcendental consciousness - that seemingly bottomless experience of "being", "consciousness", and "bliss" that articulates the state of oneness. To regard this ending as the falling away of the ego is a grave error; ego must fall away before the state of oneness can be realized. The no-self experience is the falling away of this previously realized transcendent state.

実は、私は無自己経験の後、唯一の私の旅の終わりに仏教に会った。私はこの経験が私たちの瞑想文献に明確されていないことを知っていたので、私はそれは東洋の宗教で見つけることができるかどうかを図書館に行ってきました。それは私がそれを見るように、最終的な状態は一体または変換組合のキリスト教の経験に相当するものであるときは、私はヒンドゥー教の伝統、それを見つけられないであろうことを認識することが、長い私を取ることはありませんでした。ヒンドゥー無自己経験を呼んていた場合、それはアートマン·ブラフマン、"心の洞窟"で神の自己、そして同様に洞窟の消失の突然の、予期せぬ失踪でしょう。それは神の意識、または超越意識の結末だろう - の一見底なしの経験が"である"ことを、"意識"、そしてワンネスの状態を明確に表現すること"至福"。落下離れて自我のようなこの結末を考えるためには重大な誤りであり、ワンネスの状態を実現することができる前に、自我は車で収まっている必要があります。非自己の経験はこの先に実現超越状態から離れて落ちている。

Initially, when I looked into Buddhism, I did not find the experience of no-self there either; yet I intuited that it had to be there. The falling away of the ego is common to both Hinduism and Buddhism. Therefore, it would not account for the fact that Buddhism became a separate religion, nor would it account for the Buddhist's insistence on no eternal Self - be it divine, individual or the two in one. I felt that the key difference between these two religions was the no-self experience, the falling away of the true Self, Atman-Brahman. Unfortunately, what most Buddhist authors define as the no-self experience is actually the no-ego experience. The cessation of clinging, craving, desire, the passions, etc., and the ensuing state of imperturbable peace and joy articulates the egoless state of oneness; it does not, however, articulate the no-self experience or the dimension beyond. Unless we clearly distinguish between these two very different experiences, we only confuse them, with the inevitable result that the true no-self experience becomes lost. If we think the falling away of the ego, with its ensuing transformation and oneness, is the no-self experience, then what shall we call the much further experience when this egoless oneness falls away? In actual experience there is only one thing to call it, the "no-self experience"; it lends itself to no other possible articulation.

当初、私は仏教に見たとき、私はどちらかが存在しない自己の経験を見つけられませんでした、まだ私はそれが存在しなければならなかったことを直感。自我を離れて落下するとヒンドゥー教と仏教の両方に共通です。したがって、仏教が別の宗教になったという事実を説明できないであろう、また、それは永遠の自己に仏教の主張を占めるであろう - それは、神の個人または1つで2つのこと。私はこれらの2つの宗教の重要な違いは、真の自己の無自己経験、落下離れて、アートマン·ブラフマンと感じました。残念なことに、どのようなほとんどの仏教の著者は、無自己経験として定義すると、実際に、無自我経験です。

Initially, I gave up looking for this experience in the Buddhist literature. Four years later, however, I came across two lines attributed to Buddha describing his enlightenment experience.
Referring to self as a house, he said, "All thy rafters are broken now, the ridgepole is destroyed."
And there it was - the disappearance of the center, the ridgepole; without it, there can be no house, no self.
When I read these lines, it was as if an arrow launched at the beginning of time had suddenly hit a bulls-eye.
It was a remarkable find. These lines are not a piece of philosophy, but an experiential account, and without the experiential account we really have nothing to go on.
In the same verse he says, "Again a house thou shall not build," clearly distinguishing this experience from the falling away of the ego-center, after which a new, transformed self is built around a "true center," a sturdy, balanced ridgepole.

そしてそれがあった。 - 中心の消失 ; それなしで、全く自己(全く家)はありえない。
(そして、それはそこにありました。 ― センター(梁材)の消失 ― ;

Quote from Bernadette Roberts:
What is false never lasts, it falls away of its own accord.
While what is true, remains,
because truth does not come and go, it is always there.


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