「レスター・レヴェンソンのリリーシング」- I'm trying to show you the entire way.

Lester:「私は、あなたに全ての道を案内しようとしています。」 2015-10-04-09:45JST

Bernadette Roberts (バーナデット・ロバーツ) 1931~ (06 - 3 - 3)

2013-06-19 07:03:36 | 参考-話題 (opinion)
Bernadette Roberts (バーナデット・ロバーツ) 1931~ (06 - 3 - 3)

Awakening to Reality: Bernadette Roberts Interview


Bernadette Roberts Interview
Posted by: Wei Yu
Jul 04 2007

 Bernadette Roberts (バーナデット・ロバーツ) 1931~ (06 - 1)
  2013-06-12 20:51:35 | 話題 (opinion) 

 Bernadette Roberts (バーナデット・ロバーツ) 1931~ (06 - 2)
  2013-06-12 21:41:44 | 話題 (opinion)

 Bernadette Roberts (バーナデット・ロバーツ) 1931~ (06 - 3 - 1)
  2013-06-12 21:47:44 | 話題 (opinion) 英語のみ

 Bernadette Roberts (バーナデット・ロバーツ) 1931~ (06 - 3 - 2)
  2013-06-16 02:10:46 | 話題 (opinion) 

Stephan: How does the path to no-self in the Christian contemplative tradition differ from the path as laid out in the Hindu and Buddhist traditions?


Bernadette: I think it may be too late for me to ever have a good understanding of how other religions make this passage. If you are not surrendering your whole being, your very consciousness, to a loved and trusted personal God, then what are you surrendering it to? Or why surrender it at all? Loss of ego, loss of self, is just a by-product of this surrender; it is not the true goal, not an end in itself. Perhaps this is also the view of Mahayana Buddhism, where the goal is to save all sentient beings from suffering, and where loss of ego, loss of self, is seen as a means to a greater end. This view is very much in keeping with the Christian desire to save all souls. As I see it, without a personal God, the Buddhist must have a much stronger faith in the "unconditioned and unbegotten" than is required of the Christian contemplative, who experiences the passage as a divine doing, and in no way a self-doing.


Actually, I met up with Buddhism only at the end of my journey, after the no-self experience. Since I knew that this experience was not articulated in our contemplative literature, I went to the library to see if it could be found in the Eastern Religions. It did not take me long to realize that I would not find it in the Hindu tradition, where, as I see it, the final state is equivalent to the Christian experience of oneness or transforming union. If a Hindu had what I call the no-self experience, it would be the sudden, unexpected disappearance of the Atman-Brahman, the divine Self in the "cave of the heart", and the disappearance of the cave as well. It would be the ending of God-consciousness, or transcendental consciousness - that seemingly bottomless experience of "being", "consciousness", and "bliss" that articulates the state of oneness. To regard this ending as the falling away of the ego is a grave error; ego must fall away before the state of oneness can be realized. The no-self experience is the falling away of this previously realized transcendent state.

実は、私は無自己経験の後、唯一の私の旅の終わりに仏教に会った。私はこの経験が私たちの瞑想文献に明確されていないことを知っていたので、私はそれは東洋の宗教で見つけることができるかどうかを図書館に行ってきました。それは私がそれを見るように、最終的な状態は一体または変換組合のキリスト教の経験に相当するものであるときは、私はヒンドゥー教の伝統、それを見つけられないであろうことを認識することが、長い私を取ることはありませんでした。ヒンドゥー無自己経験を呼んていた場合、それはアートマン·ブラフマン、"心の洞窟"で神の自己、そして同様に洞窟の消失の突然の、予期せぬ失踪でしょう。それは神の意識、または超越意識の結末だろう - の一見底なしの経験が"である"ことを、"意識"、そしてワンネスの状態を明確に表現すること"至福"。落下離れて自我のようなこの結末を考えるためには重大な誤りであり、ワンネスの状態を実現することができる前に、自我は車で収まっている必要があります。非自己の経験はこの先に実現超越状態から離れて落ちている。

Initially, when I looked into Buddhism, I did not find the experience of no-self there either; yet I intuited that it had to be there. The falling away of the ego is common to both Hinduism and Buddhism. Therefore, it would not account for the fact that Buddhism became a separate religion, nor would it account for the Buddhist's insistence on no eternal Self - be it divine, individual or the two in one. I felt that the key difference between these two religions was the no-self experience, the falling away of the true Self, Atman-Brahman. Unfortunately, what most Buddhist authors define as the no-self experience is actually the no-ego experience.
The cessation of clinging, craving, desire, the passions, etc., and the ensuing state of imperturbable peace and joy articulates the egoless state of oneness; it does not, however, articulate the no-self experience or the dimension beyond.
Unless we clearly distinguish between these two very different experiences, we only confuse them, with the inevitable result that the true no-self experience becomes lost.
If we think the falling away of the ego, with its ensuing transformation and oneness, is the no-self experience, then what shall we call the much further experience when this egoless oneness falls away?
In actual experience there is only one thing to call it, the "no-self experience"; it lends itself to no other possible articulation.

当初、私は仏教に見たとき、私はどちらかが存在しない自己の経験を見つけられませんでした、まだ私はそれが存在しなければならなかったことを直感。自我を離れて落下するとヒンドゥー教と仏教の両方に共通です。したがって、仏教が別の宗教になったという事実を説明できないであろう、また、それは永遠の自己に仏教の主張を占めるであろう - それは、神の個人または1つで2つのこと。私はこれらの2つの宗教の重要な違いは、真の自己の無自己経験、落下離れて、アートマン·ブラフマンと感じました。残念なことに、どのようなほとんどの仏教の著者は、無自己経験として定義すると、実際に、無自我経験です。

Initially, I gave up looking for this experience in the Buddhist literature.
Four years later, however, I came across two lines attributed to Buddha describing his enlightenment experience.
Referring to self as a house, he said, "All thy rafters are broken now, the ridgepole is destroyed."
And there it was - the disappearance of the center, the ridgepole; without it, there can be no house, no self.
When I read these lines, it was as if an arrow launched at the beginning of time had suddenly hit a bulls-eye. It was a remarkable find.
These lines are not a piece of philosophy, but an experiential account, and without the experiential account we really have nothing to go on.
In the same verse he says, "Again a house thou shall not build," clearly distinguishing this experience from the falling away of the ego-center, after which a new, transformed self is built around a "true center," a sturdy, balanced ridgepole.

そしてそれがあった。 - 中心の消失 ; それなしで、全く自己(全く家)はありえない。
(そして、それはそこにありました。 ― センター(梁材)の消失 ― ;

As a Christian, I saw the no-self experience as the true nature of Christ's death, the movement beyond even is oneness with the divine, the movement from God to Godhead.
Though not articulated in contemplative literature, Christ dramatized this experience on the cross for all ages to see and ponder.
Where Buddha described the experience, Christ manifested it without words; yet they both make the same statement and reveal the same truth - that ultimately, eternal life is beyond self or consciousness.
After one has seen it manifested or heard it said, the only thing left is to experience it.

しかし、それらは同じステートメント(声明)をし、同じ真実を明らかにします。- それほど結局、永遠の生命は自己または意識を超えています。

Stephan: You mention in The Path to No-Self that the unitive state is the "true state in which God intended every person to live his mature years."
Yet so few of us ever achieve this unitive state.
What is it about the way we live right now that prevents us from doing so?
Do you think it is our preoccupation with material success, technology, and personal accomplishment?


Bernadette: First of all, I think there are more people in the state of oneness than we realize.
For everyone we hear about there are thousands we will never hear about.
Believing this state to be a rare achievement can be an impediment in itself.
Unfortunately, those who write about it have a way of making it sound more extraordinary and blissful that it commonly is, and so false expectations are another impediment - we keep waiting and looking for an experience or state that never comes.
But if I had to put my finger on the primary obstacle, I would say it is having wrong views of the journey.

(残念なことに、それについて書く人々にはそれが一般にそうであることを深くより驚異的で至福にする方法があります、そして、間違った予想はもう一つの障害です - 我々は待って、決して来ない経験または状態を探し続けます。)

Paradoxical though it may seem, the passage through consciousness or self moves contrary to self, rubs it the wrong way - and in the end, will even rub it out.
Because this passage goes against the grain of self, it is, therefore, a path of suffering.
Both Christ and Buddha saw the passage as one of suffering, and basically found identical ways out.
What they discovered and revealed to us was that each of us has within himself or herself a "stillpoint" - comparable, perhaps to the eye of a cyclone, a spot or center of calm, imperturbability, and non-movement.
Buddha articulated this central eye in negative terms as "emptiness" or "void", a refuge from the swirling cyclone of endless suffering.
Christ articulated the eye in more positive terms as the "Kingdom of God" or the "Spirit within", a place of refuge and salvation from a suffering self.

それは、逆説的に見えるかもしれませんが、、自己に反した意識または自己の動きによる通過は、それを間違った方法で摩擦します。 - そして結局、それをさらにすり消すでしょう。
それらが私たちに発見し明らかにしたことは、自分または自分内に私たち各自が「stillpoint(still point:静かな点)」(恐らくサイクロン、平静のスポットか、中心、imperturbability(不動心:冷静で乱されない自信)および非移動の目に匹敵する)を持っているということでした。
(恐らくサイクロン、スポットまたは穏やかの中心、泰然自若、非運動の目に匹敵する、 - 彼らは何を発見し、私たちに明らかにすることは、私たち一人ひとりが自分の"静止点"を自分自身の中に持っているかということでした。)
(仏は「空虚」または 「無効」として、無限の苦しみの渦巻くサイクロンから避難所として負の面でこの中央の目を明確に表現しました。)

For both of them, the easy out was first to find that stillpoint and then, by attaching ourselves to it, by becoming one with it, to find a stabilizing, balanced anchor in our lives.
After that, the cyclone is gradually drawn into the eye, and the suffering self comes to an end.
And when there is no longer a cyclone, there is also no longer an eye.
So the storms, crises, and sufferings of life are a way of finding the eye.
When everything is going our way, we do not see the eye, and we feel no need to find it.
But when everything is going against us, then we find the eye.
So the avoidance of suffering and the desire to have everything go our own way runs contrary to the whole movement of our journey; it is all a wrong view.
With the right view, however, one should be able to come to the state of oneness in six or seven years - years not merely of suffering, but years of enlightenment, for right suffering is the essence of enlightenment.
Because self is everyone's experience underlying all culture.
I do not regard cultural wrong views as an excuse for not searching out right views.
After all, each person's passage is his or her own; there is no such thing as a collective passage.

正しい視界(見解)で、しかしながら、人は6年か7年で単一性の状態に来ることができるに違いありません - 単にではなく数年間の苦痛、しかし数年間の啓発、正しい苦痛のために、啓発の本質です。


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