「レスター・レヴェンソンのリリーシング」- I'm trying to show you the entire way.

Lester:「私は、あなたに全ての道を案内しようとしています。」 2015-10-04-09:45JST

Dissolving Resistance - 抵抗を分解する (溶かす) こと - 01

2013-04-09 23:56:20 | Sedona Method
Dissolving Resistance - 抵抗を分解する (溶かす) こと - 01

Dissolving Resistance

"Feelings only lie. They tell us we are going to get, from letting go of them, what we already have from holding onto them."
-Hale Dwoskin


Have you ever started a project really gung ho and lost enthusiasm somewhere in the middle? That's resistance. Resistance is quite insidious. It's one of the main things that stop us from having, doing, and being what we want in life. In fact, we often resist the things we really like and care about. And if someone tells us to do something, that's a sure-fired trigger for resistance. It may come up even if we would like to do what we're being told to do. Resistance can be self-sabotaging and counterproductive, and it's operating constantly because we live in a sea of "shoulds" and "have to's" and "must do's," and other imperatives.

そして、それは我々が「…であろう (shoulds:should)」の海に住んでいて、「…ために(そして持っている)」、「…しなければならなくて(行うに違いない)」のでそれは常に動作しています。

Any time there is an imperative it stirs up resistance.


When you are told that you should do something or have to do something, what do you feel inside? "No way! Don't tell me what to do!" The exact same thing happens when you tell yourself what to do. If you say to yourself, "You have to work on your bills," what happens?


You probably respond, "Oh, yeah?" Or, if you say to yourself, "You'd better not do this anymore," perhaps referring to a habit you want to break, you may find yourself doing whatever it is even more. That's just the nature of our minds. We simply do not like being told what to do. Yet, we are continually "shoulding" on ourselves, then wondering why we are not having fun and why things are not getting done.

おそらく、答える"ああ、うん?"あなた自身に言っている場合、または、おそらくあなたは破るしたい習慣を参考に、あなた自身がそれがさらにあるものは何でもやって見つけることが"あなたは、もうこれをしないで良いと思います"。それはちょうど私たちの心の本質だ。我々は、単に何をすべきかを言われて好きではありません。しかし、我々は継続的に、我々は楽しんでされていないと、なぜ物事が行われ得ていない理由を不思議に思って、自分自身の "shoulding"されています。

Resistance manifests in many different ways, some of them subtle. Maybe you forget things that are important to you. Or perhaps you find yourself gradually moving away from things that are really helpful. Let's say, for instance, that you're doing great with releasing. You're really enjoying it, and you think it's the best thing since sliced bread. Then a few days, weeks, or months' later it's hard for you to persuade yourself to do it, even though you've had firsthand experience of how much it can help you. What happened? You hit resistance. Most likely, you turned releasing into a "should." In situations like this one, the "should creates an opposing force equal to, or greater than the force that you're exerting when you're trying to get something to happen.

抵抗は、多くの異なる方法、それらのいくつかの微妙に現れる。たぶん、あなたはあなたにとって重要なものを忘れている。それともあなた自身が徐々に本当に便利だものから遠ざかって見つける。 Let 'sは、あなたが解放すると素晴らしいやっていること、例えば、言う。あなたは本当にそれを楽しんでいる、そしてあなたは、それがスライスされたパン以来の最高のものだと思う。あなたが持っていたにも関わらず、直接それはあなたを助けることができますどのくらいの経験は、それを行うために自分自身を説得するためにして数日、週、または月'後には難しい。何が起こったのか?あなたは抵抗を打つ。ほとんどの場合、あなたはに解放なった"はずです。"このような状況では、"に等しいか、何かが起こるために取得しようとしているときに発揮していることを力よりも大きな反力を作成する必要があります。

Rather than allowing the flow of life to carry us where we want to go, most of us spend a lot of time swimming upstream. We assume that we have to struggle to get what we want and push against the current. But what if that's not true? What if we could actually allow the natural flow of life to support us in having what we want? No doubt you've already experienced what being in a state of flow is llke. Think of a day when everything worked perfectly! You just seemed to be in the right place at the right time doing exactly the right thing. Now think of a TYPICAL day. Which would you prefer? The greatest obstacle to being in the flow all day long, every day, is resistance to what is. Also, resistance is generated by a feeling of "me" against "others" (the world). As you let this artificial sense of separation go, your resistance will dissolve with it.


Good news: You can let go of resistance just like any other feeling.


Resistance prevents us from moving ahead in all areas of our life, especially in the area of personal growth and happiness. As you have explored this program so far, you've already had experience in releasing many different types of feelings. You've probably noticed how willing you are at certain times to release, whereas, at other times, you find it easier to put the program down and do something-anything-else. It is exactly this kind of resistance that prevents us from following through on our good intentions, even when they pertain to an activity as obviously beneficial as the work we're doing in this program.

抵抗は、特に個人的な成長と幸福の分野で、私たちの生活のすべての分野で進めてから私たちを防ぐことができます。あなたはこれまでにこのプログラムを検討されているとして、あなたはすでに感情の多くの異なる種類をリリースした経験を持っていた。他の回では、このプログラムを下に置くことが容易に見つけると何か - 何でも - 他にやる、一方であなたはおそらく、あなたが解放するために一定の時間にどれだけ喜んで気づいた。それは、彼らは我々がこのプログラムでやっている作品としては明らかに有益としての活動に関係している場合でも、まさに私たちの善意に通じ、以下から私たちを妨げる抵抗のこのようなものです。

It is important to note that letting go of resistance does not mean you must allow others to control you. You can still stand up for what's correct without resistance. If you have ever studied a martial art, such as aikido, karate, or tae kwon do, you know that if you hit someone with a tight fist, you'll get hurt. But if your fist is slightly relaxed-without resistance-you have a lot more power and a lot more strength. Martial artists also understand that when opponents attack you, by not resisting you can turn that energy against them. The same things are true every time you let go of the feeling of resistance. You have more strength with less effort and greater emotional resilience and stamina.


What is Resistance?


Resistance feels like trying to move forward with the brakes on.


Any time you feel like you have to, must or should do anything, there is a feeling of resistance.


Resistance is opposition to force, real or imagined.


Resistance is pushing against the world, which causes a feeling of being pushed back.


The feeling or thought "I can't" is resistance and its derivations such as "I won't,"


"Don't tell me what to do," "It's not my job." It takes a conscious intention to overcome the unconscious effort (habit) of holding down the feelings. That unconscious habit is resistance.


Resistance is just another limiting belief that we have manufactured to protect the other limiting beliefs.


Resistance is not having decided whether or not to do something, doing it anyway, and finding it difficult. To dissolve the resistance, all you need to do is decide to do it and do it--or decide not to do it an don't do it.

抵抗は何か、とにかくそれをやって、それが困難な発見を実行するか否かを判断したではない。抵抗を溶解するために、あなたがする必要があるすべては、それを行うと、それを行うことを決定されます - またはそれをしない、それをしないように決める。

Resistance to "what is" is the glue that holds our apparent limitations together.

「あるもの (あること)」に対する抵抗は私たちの明白な制限を一緒にしておく接着剤です。

When there is no resistance, there is simply "what is," and life flows naturally without obstruction with a natural uncaused feeling of well-being.

抵抗がないとき、単に「あるもの (あること)」があります、そして、人生は幸福の自然の自存の感覚とともに障害なしで自然に流れます。

Dissolving Resistance Release
CD 4, Track 2

抵抗を解放して分解する (溶かす) こと

Use the following list of questions to dissolve the feeling of resistance:

抵抗の感覚を分解する (溶かす) ために、質問の以下のリストを使ってください:

What is something you are resisting?

Could you welcome the feeling of resistance and the sounds, sensations, and pictures that arise with that feeling?

Could you let go of the feeling of resistance?

Could you allow yourself to accept what is as best you can?


抵抗の感じ、および音、感覚、およびその感覚で発生する絵を歓迎していただけませんか (しますか)?

抵抗の感覚を手放していただけませんか (しますか)?

そうすることができるのと同じくらい最高であることを受け入れるのを、自分自身が許してもらえますか (しますか)?

Notes, Gains & Realizations

Three Releases on Resistance to Do on Your Own or with a Partner


Exploring Physical Resistance with a Partner
When you do this version of the exercise, remember that it's only an exploration. It is not about who is the strongest or who can knock the other one over. It is very important never to do anything that's physically or emotionally hurtful to your partner.

To begin, both partners stand facing each other and make eye contact. Select which partner will push and which will resist. For the purpose of this description, let's say that your partner is the first "pusher." Have your partner reach out with their right hand in front of them while you reach out in front of you with your left hand (or you can use the opposite hands). You and your partner will then touch your palms together.

Now, your partner will push gently against your hands. As he or she pushes, simply resist the push, holding your hands steady. The pressure being exerted should be strong enough so you both can feel the resistance, but not enough so that the partner who's the "resister" has any concern about straining or falling over.

As your partner pushes against your hands, allow yourself to get in touch with what it feels like to resist. Then, let go of the resistance, as best you can, without trying to control or do anything in particular with your hands. Just let your hands do what they do.

Next, switch roles and run through the same exercise. Whoever was the pusher now becomes the resister and vice versa. Reverse the roles several times until both partners have a clear feeling sense of what it's like to resist and to let go of resistance.

In the process of doing this release, you may discover some patterns in yourself and in others that relate to resistance. Feel free to share your discoveries with your partner after you've completed the exercise, but avoid getting into an intellectual discussion. Take turns supporting each other in releasing whatever gets stirred up.

A Second Release to Be Done with a Partner
When you do this exercise, remember that it too is only an exploration. It is not about who is the strongest or who can knock the other one over. It is very important never to do anything that's physically or emotionally hurtful to your partner.

To begin, both partners stand facing each other and make eye contact. Select which partner will hold their arm out and which will pull on it. For the purpose of this description, let's say that your partner is the first "puller." Then, reach one arm out over your partner's, placing your wrist solidly on their shoulder with your hand open and your fingers pointing straight ahead.

Now, your partner will pull gently on your arm around the elbow. As he or she pulls, simply resist the pull, holding your arm steady using your personal strength and resistance to the pull. The pressure being exerted should be strong enough so you both can feel the resistance, but not enough so that the partner who's the "puller" has any concern about hurting your arm.

Then repeat the exercise as above and this time let go of your resistance and let universal energy flow through your arm and out the tips of your fingers as best you can.

Next, switch roles and run through the same exercise. Whoever was the puller now becomes the resister and vice versa. Reverse the roles several times until both partners have a clear feeling sense of what it's like to resist and to let go of resistance.

You will be amazed at the results. Universally, we have found that when someone lets go of their resistance and allows the energy to flow through their arm, they are always stronger than when they resist. This is the opposite of what our minds tell us.

In the process of doing this exercise, you may discover some patterns in yourself and in others that relate to resistance. Feel free to share your discoveries with your partner after you've completed the exercise, but avoid getting into an intellectual discussion. Take turns supporting each other in releasing whatever gets stirred up.

Note: Feedback from these two exercises is included in the recordings. The explanations did not translate well enough for you to be able to follow along, so we included them here instead. Plus, they are fun ways to explore and let go of resistance.

Exploring Physical Resistance on Your Own

一人で身体的な抵抗を調査すること (自分で物理的な抵抗を探る)

To begin, place your hands together in front of you in an isometric or prayer position, with the palms touching. Arbitrarily decide which hand will push and which will resist. With the hand that you decide is the pushing hand, allow yourself to push gently against the other hand, which is resisting, and have that hand hold its position.


While you are doing this, allow yourself, as best you can, to get in touch with what it feels like to resist.


Next, let go of resisting the push without trying to control or do anything in particular with your hands. Just let your hands do what they do.


Repeat this activity several times, switching which hand is pushing and which is resisting, and allow yourself to notice your emotions as you let go.


Spend some time after you're done reflecting on the release and using the basic releasing process to let go of whatever thoughts and feelings come up.


More Resistance Dissoving Releases (注記:Dissoving は、Dissolving の誤記)
CD 4, Track 6


 続きます。(2013年5月30日16:03 文字数の制限の為、記事を分割しました。)
 Dissolving Resistance - 抵抗を溶かすこと - 02
  (2013-04-09 23:58:49 | Sedona Method)

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