「レスター・レヴェンソンのリリーシング」- I'm trying to show you the entire way.

Lester:「私は、あなたに全ての道を案内しようとしています。」 2015-10-04-09:45JST

Butt System について - 01

2013-04-17 20:39:14 | Sedona Method
Butt System について - 01

 Butt System について - 02
  2013-04-25 02:46:59 | Sedona Method

Welcome to the The Sedona Method Community Forums.

The "Butt" System: The Stories & Thoughts

Question The "Butt" System: The Stories & Thoughts

Hello Community,

It has been mentioned that one must take some level of action to achieve a goal, which could be something very small. As the famous story about the guy stuck on a roof top in the middle of a flood praying for God to save him points out the solutions can find you. How hard would it have been for the guy to climb into the boat, get into the rescue basket of the chopper, grab a piece of wood that floated by, etc?

He didn't have to find the solutions as the solutions were finding him. In that situation a solution was very clear. Who on this forum would not climb into a boat that stopped by to get you off a roof top surrounded by water? The answer was "screaming" at him but he choose to ignore it waiting for some magical hand of God to scoop him off the roof. God/Universe/Power That Be whatever you want to call it was saying get into the x "I" am trying to help you.

If you listen to (sorry forum won't allow hyperlinks)
* community.sedona.com/lester-levenson-support-calls/694-getting-rid-wanting.html#post695 *
Lester clearly states once you have released you simply focus on your goals and they almost instantly or at least very quickly come into being. In "The Abundance Book" by Larry Crane he mentions that Lester explained to him if you really want your business to thrive just go home and do nothing but release. Crane had a hard time believing this but he trusted Lester and gave it a try. He states it worked like magic and beyond his dreams.

* community.sedona.com/lester-levenson-support-calls/694-getting-rid-wanting.html#post695 *
ラリー・クレインによる「豊富ブック (The Abundance Book) 」では、彼は次のことを言います。レスターが彼に説明していることに言及している。あなたが本当にビジネスが繁栄(成功)することを望めば、単に帰宅し、リリースだけをしてください。

That is when Crane mentions the term "butt" system. You sit on your butt while releasing and focusing on your goals and the Universe (God/The Power That Be/Whatever) simply and effortlessly brings that into your life. In fact Crane suggests adopting the following goal and promises it will work if you truly release, "I allow myself to do absolutely nothing except release and have a wonderful abundant life with ease."


Lester says it is possible and explains whatever you need just shows up assuming you aren't blocking it. This of course means releasing and Sedona.


That brings me to the point of this thread.


1) What goals/progress have you seen just show up in your life without you doing much of anything?

2) Were the answers as clear as get in the boat?! Or were they more cloudly?

3) Share your thoughts on this idea if you like.

Last edited by solaris; 05-22-2012 at 01:19 PM. Reason: Fixed a few minor grammar errors.

Larry Craneのブログ

Larry Crane が投稿した記事 Have you ever heard of the Butt System?

Have you ever heard of the Butt System?


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Financial Abundance Can Be Yours Despite What the Doomsayers say


You can have all the money you would like to have. There are no impossibles. Don't let the purveyors of gloom and doom see this. Their job is to keep you right where you are.
I'm Larry Crane. Do you know how to have financial abundance? I will show you how to have all money you would like to have no matter what your situation is today. It's simple. Do it by the "Butt System."


All you do is set a releasing goal statement - such as:

(あなたがするすべてはリリースする目的文を課されます) - 次のもののように:

"I allow myself to have an extra $10,000 this month with ease." (Notice the word "allow" it's a powerful word because to allow, you do not have to do anything, just allow it, let it happen.)


You either write the goal or just say it to yourself... then look for whatever "stream of consciousness" beliefs come to mind.


When you write or say your goal thoughts that come up are usually "I can't" beliefs. Any thought, other than the belief of, "YES, I feel like I already have the $10,000 dollars" is what's called an "I can't" belief.

「はい、私は、10,000 ドルをすでに持っているように感じます」いわゆる「私は、そうすることができません」信念(確信である)。

Typically, your "I can't" beliefs may include:


"How am I going to make an extra $10,000 dollars this month – I can barely afford the rent?"


"I haven't got enough clients, I need more clients?"


"I'll have work like crazy putting in extra hours at the office this month to make anywhere near that kind of money."


"Are you kidding! I've never even had that much money in my life!"


"I'm not sure this is even possible. There must be more to it than this."


And so on. You're probably having other "I can't" beliefs coming up right now, right off the top of your head.


What do you do next?


It's easy:


Once you've become conscious of these "I can't" beliefs - "dissolve" them (erase them)!

一度これらの「私はできない」信念の意識になってきたならば、 - (それらを消去する)、それらを「溶かす」!
(一旦あなたがこれらの「私は、そうすることができません」信条(信念)を意識しているようになるならば、- それら(それらを消します)を「分解してください」!)

It's that simple.


Then... suddenly… as if by "magic"… the damn will break and....

それから... 突然、… まるで「魔法」によってあるように、… 酷評(いまいましい)は壊れます、そして、....

What you set out in your goal statement will naturally "Click" Into place and you have financial abundance.


The Release Technique, http://www.releasetechnique.com gives you the "Butt System" meaning you sit on your butt and get your goals. Using the "Butt System" you get rid of those "I can't" beliefs. The Release Technique is simple, easily learned. You're invited to experience a FREE email course sampler PLUS an opportunity to get a free info booklet and audio CD. Go to http://www.releasetechnique.com/free-gift.php Get your free gifts. Learn the simple secret to using the "Butt System" to get your goals and have financial abundance. The Release Technique is taught in the Abundance Course and is available on audio CDs or weekend classes held all over the world. Go to http://www.releasetechnique.com for more information or to sign up now.

リリース・テクニック、http://www.releasetechnique.com は、あなたがお尻(残部)に座りゴールを得ることを意味する「バット(残部)システム」をあなたに与えます。
http://www.releasetechnique.com/free-gift.php に行く、あなたの無代進呈を得ます。
今、より多くの情報用の http://www.releasetechnique.com 、あるいはサインに行ってください。

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 The Butt System - バットシステム
  2013-04-21 15:45:30 | Sedona Method

 KISS BUTT teleseminar - (2010年6月3日、14:43)
  2013-04-22 15:09:03 | KISS ReleasingSystem

まにあう - PukiWikiDancingDax

洗い出す - PukiWikiDancingDax

歩く - PukiWikiDancingDax
