
Zazen 法話のページ

“The words of Great Zen master”

2016-02-05 | 

Oh, it is great Heart!We cannot reach to an altitude of sky, but still Heart is jutting out of it.

We cannot survey a distance of the earth, but still Heart is jutting below it.

We cannot go over the light of both the sun and the moon, but still Heart is jutting outside it.

    ―― Eisai Zenji (1141~1215)――

A fish don’t notice water while dwelling there. Persons don’t realize Buddha’s Dharma while being there.

         ――Muso State-master (1275~1351)――

There is no nothing for its origin of Heart.

Its action of Heart is Mercy firstly. Obediently, in harmony, we must aware to feel the pathos of things.

It is good action of whatever he wonts while meeting his end during life. 

        ――Bunan Zenji(1603~1676)――

Thanks to this teaching when just listening at one try,

someone who rejoice while praising it,

will get happiness infinitely.

――Zen master Hakuin (1685~1768) ――

●坐禅会 毎週土曜日午前6:25~8:00 久留米市宮の陣町大杜1577-1圓通寺
初心者歓迎 参加費無料 詳細は電話でお問い合わせください。℡0942-34-0350

●学校やクラブなど団体研修 坐禅申し込み随時うけたまわります。

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Buddhism and Zen lecture 'Buddha taught Karma' by Giken oshyo

2016-01-10 | 
Buddhism and Zen lecture 'Buddha taught Karma' by Giken oshyo

久留米市宮の陣町大杜1577-1 ℡0942-34-0350
臨済宗南禅寺派 円通寺 住職 吉富宜健合掌

●坐禅会 毎週土曜日午前6:25~8:00 
初心者歓迎 参加費無料 詳細は電話でお問い合わせください。

●学校やクラブなど団体研修 坐禅申し込み随時うけたまわります。

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2015-12-19 | 


●坐禅会 毎週土曜日午前6:25~8:00 久留米市宮の陣町大杜1577-1圓通寺
初心者歓迎 参加費無料 詳細は電話でお問い合わせください。℡0942-34-0350

●学校やクラブなど団体研修 坐禅申し込み随時うけたまわります。
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The booklet 'What is Zen? Ⅱ'

2015-11-29 | 

”What is Zen? Ⅱ――Never lose your own initial enthusiasm――”
January 2016 
Copyright:Hanniya Society Japan
Translation:Giken Yoshitomi
・Words of our Faith ---- p.5
・Ten virtues of incense ----p.6
・Introduction: The method of meditation  ---p.7
・Zen mendicant ----p.8
・My travel writing about New York Zen Center ---- p.9
・What should the Buddhists of the world aim? ---- p.11
・The sixth Zen master Hui-neng ---- p.14
・‘Introduction’ of “The platform sutra” ---- p.16
・‘The fifth Zazen’ of “The platform sutra” ---- p.19
・Author’s note ---- p.21
・「坐禅儀」より ----p.23
・禅の托鉢 ----p.24
・「ニューヨーク禅堂訪問記」 塚原史方 ----p.25
・「世界の仏教徒が目指すべきは何か」 国友憲昭----p.27
・香の十 ----p.30
・「六祖慧能」 吉富宜健 ----p.31
・最後に ----p.37
・寄付ご芳名 ----p.38

●坐禅会 毎週土曜日午前6:25~8:00 久留米市宮の陣町大杜1577-1圓通寺
初心者歓迎 参加費無料 詳細は電話でお問い合わせください。℡0942-34-0350

●学校やクラブなど団体研修 坐禅申し込み随時うけたまわります。

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Zen lecture Take the middle way

2015-11-15 | 
Zen lecture Take the middle way. by Giken oshyo

●坐禅会 毎週土曜日午前6:25~8:00 久留米市宮の陣町大杜1577-1圓通寺
初心者歓迎 参加費無料 詳細は電話でお問い合わせください。℡0942-34-0350

●学校やクラブなど団体研修 坐禅申し込み随時うけたまわります。
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Buddha's words 6

2015-10-29 | 


Having a good health is a blissful happiness
and being pleased with scant living is the greatest treasure.
Living up to the trust certainly we will be the best family.
Nirvana is the highest comfort.
"Dhammapada" 204

●坐禅会 毎週土曜日午前6:25~8:00 久留米市宮の陣町大杜1577-1圓通寺
初心者歓迎 参加費無料 詳細は電話でお問い合わせください。℡0942-34-0350

●学校やクラブなど団体研修 坐禅申し込み随時うけたまわります。

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2015-10-28 | 
英語の「enthusiasm」。元はギリシャ語である。辞書によれば「en」は「中」、「thus」は「ゼウス=god」で、直訳は「to be inspired by a god」となる。「神によって激励される」と言う意味である。自分の中で神が働くのが「情熱」だ。神が自分の中で働いていただけるなら有り難い。実は仏陀は私たち自身のことである。仏陀を外に求めないのが禅の生き方である。仏陀は歴史上の人物だが同時に己の中にある。



●坐禅会 毎週土曜日午前6:25~8:00 久留米市宮の陣町大杜1577-1圓通寺
初心者歓迎 参加費無料 詳細は電話でお問い合わせください。℡0942-34-0350

●学校やクラブなど団体研修 坐禅申し込み随時うけたまわります。

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Japanese garden

2015-10-05 | 
'Japanese garden'

Zen culture

The moss in the Japanese garden is beautiful especially in rainy season. We usually feel depressive in rainy season but, at the same time, we are pleasant to see wet moss and fresh leaves in the garden. We want to see a peace of mind inside the green of the moss and trees.
We put water into the stone basin at the edge of the garden. White sand patterns look like the river or sea and stones in the sand garden look like the islands on the sea. Japanese summer is hot and humid, therefore we want to see a peace of mind in the garden. That is a smart idea which Japanese people have been keeping on.
There is a Shishi Odoshi (threat against the wild boar) in the garden. Its sound represents the stillness. It would be interesting to express the stillness by the sound. “Kahn---“ There is little uselessness in the Japanese garden.
An old garden is more quaint than a new one. A new garden feels like a kind of artificial. An old garden is fused with the landscape and buildings around. Of course, if it’s possible, the landscape is much better than the buildings. We call it "Shakkei (landscape garden)".
The garden has been taken care by many people. Of course craftsmen maintain it, but the most important thing is the everyday effort by people who live there.


坐禅会 毎週土曜日午前6:25~8:00 久留米市宮の陣町大杜1577-1
初心者歓迎 参加費無料 詳細は電話でお問い合わせください。℡0942-34-0350
●学校やクラブなど団体研修 坐禅申し込み随時うけたまわります。

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Entuji 圓通寺地図

2015-09-21 | 
〒839-0803福岡県久留米市宮の陣町大杜1577-1 臨済宗南禅寺派 円通寺 ℡0942-34-0350  ◎納骨堂加入者募集 詳細はお電話でおたずね下さい。

にほんブログ村 <a href=哲学・思想ブログ 臨済宗

坐禅会 毎週土曜日午前6:25~8:00 久留米市宮の陣町大杜1577-1

初心者歓迎 参加費無料 詳細は電話でお問い合わせください。℡0942-34-0350


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Zen Scriptures of daily routine

2015-09-21 | 



無上甚深微妙法 百千万劫難遭遇 我今見聞得受持 願解如来真実義

“Beginning of the Scriptures”

You will rarely encounter such a deep and incomparable Buddha-Dharma.

Now we can see, hear, and be receptive.

Pray that we may master the true teachings of Buddha.



我昔所造諸悪業 皆由無始貪瞋痴 従身口意之所生 一切我今皆懺悔

“Confession and repentance “

I have made errors in the infinite past-lust (hunger), anger, and stupidity, caused by my mouth, by my body and by my mind.

I confess to all of that from now on.



諸悪莫作 衆善奉行 自浄其意 是諸仏教

“We learn from the verses of ( Seven) Buddha’s religious precepts”

Do not commit misdeeds, do good, and purify your mind.

These are the teachings of ( various) Buddha(s).



南無帰依仏 南無帰依法 南無帰依僧 帰依仏無上尊 帰依法離欲尊

帰依仏竟 帰依法竟 帰依僧竟

“The Three Instructions for Following”

Namu Buddha. (I follow you, Buddha.)

Namu Dahma. ( I follow Dharma.)

Namu Shanga. ( I follow Shanga.)

I follow Buddha who is the most holy being.

I follow Dharma which is the holy way of the unselfish.

I follow Shanga which is the holy way of harmony.

Following Buddha, I am now complete.

Following Dharma, I am now complete.

Following Shanga, I am now complete.

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2015-09-04 | 

 問い合わせ 0942-34-0350 圓通寺



福岡大学医学部・社会学研究会 研修









l  医師が遺族に臨終を伝えるとき



・輪廻転生のインド思想 執着すれば悩みになる


 l  臓器移植に関して




l  善意の世界






 l  生也全機現死也全機現(しょうや、ぜんきげん)圜悟禅師『圜悟錄』十七


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坐禅会 Zazen Meeting

2015-08-30 | 

坐禅会 毎週土曜日午前6:30~8:00 初心者むけ


Zazen meeting. 6:30 to 8:00 every Saturday morning For beginners And training new employees will also travel teaching. And dining etiquette, etiquette, and living discourse. Are available upon your request. Please contact us by telephone. Entsuji yoshitomi 0942-34-0350

Ten virtues of incense sticks

1. The incense will deepen our minds and help us to recall our origins.

2. We will purify our minds and bodies by immersing ourselves in the scent.

3. The incense will rid our minds of dirt and cleanse our spirits

4. The incense wakes us up.

5. It envelopes us in tranquility.

6. Even while busy, it quietens the mind.

7. The scent keeps our minds strong during periods of intensity.

8. It does not take very much incense to make us happy.

9. Incense lasts for a very long time and does not deteriorate.

10. By the reminder of incense and the scent, we stay close to non-harm.

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Kwannon's preaching

2015-08-11 | 

Kwannon (Avalokiteshvara) has a lotus flower in his left hand.

It expresses the Kwannon preaching that "you were born with wonderful pure heart like a lotus flower.

So please be alive to keep this pure heart in your mind." This is able to encourage us.

Lotus flower blooms in the mud field. The mud field is compared to our worldly desires.

If you fall into the mud field, it would be very dangerous . 

This is the Kannon's preaching that "if you are not concerned much about a wordily desire, you'll be able to feel happy.

「観音さまの説法」 観音さまは左手に蓮華をもっています。これは「みなさんはこの蓮華のように素晴らしい清らかな心をもって生まれてきたのです。これを見つめて生きていきましょう」という観音さまの説法です。これは私たち人生への励ましです。  蓮華は泥田に咲きます。泥田は煩悩の譬えです。煩悩、これに足をとらわれると命取りになります。「煩悩にとらわれないように修めていけば幸せになりますよ」という説法です。 (観音像)吉富大箴和尚画(1900~1988)
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"The significance of Zazen”

2013-08-15 | 

All humans basically have true and pure hearts, but in reality, because of the worldly desires, is hard to realize this inner nature. Zazen helps to empty one's mind, making it as clear as crystal by removing worldly desires.


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The features of Zen 禅の特徴

2013-04-08 | 

Img_0250 ”The features of Zen”
1・Zen is a pure religion.
2・Zen is the religion to pray self-truth human.
3・Zen is the religion to devote to "here and now".
4・Zen is the religion to teach about selfless and a no-mindedness.
5・Zen is the religion to teach us working well, and making virtues in hiding.
6・Zen is the religion to give all time to just a work intensively with selfless.
7・Zen is the religion to have no biased views.
8・Zen is the religion to teach us be sincerely grateful to all.
9・Zen is the religion to teach us getting enlightenment as living in the lotus land here.

” The method of meditation・ The beginning”
First exactly, Buddhist monks who hope to study Zen should awakened great mercy and will pray to get happy for all, have to obtain Zen training as working intensively, and swear to guide all being, will not learn Enlightenment for only oneself.


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Zen lecture