
『インテグリティ ーコンプライアンスを超える組織論』重版出来!


Why are you so energetic?

2024年10月10日 | 自己紹介
Had a meeting with IPBA (Inter-Pacific Bar Association) friends for preparation of live LinkedIn video program. 

I am going to attend this LinkedIn program as guest on 20 November 19:00 JST. As this program, we will share the topic "Tatsu, why are you so energetic?" 

The planned answers of mine are: 

1.   I want to die with laughter and satiscation, with no regret. 

For this purpose, I do not want to kill any time. I want to do my best at every moment. I prepare to die with no regret, at any time. 

As I have lived up to this belief for decades since college days, I can say I am ready to die NOW, with no regret. 

2.  I want to please, entertain, and contribute to as many people as possbile, and that as much as possible.  

Who do you think pleased the most people in the history?  Jesus Christ would definitely be one of the answers. I want to beat Jesus. This is my dream.

For this  purpose, I have to, want to, and make it a rule to do every effort possible, at any time. Otherwise, I would regret and cannot die with laughter and contentment. 

3.  Samurai Spirit 

Samurai, or Bushi, is the Japanese members of the warrior class. There is a famous quote in Japan, "Bushi-do (or chivalry, the tao/ways of Samurai) lies in dying (or I find Bushi-do to be dead)". This means that Samurai should prepare to be dead by simulating himself dead, say, every morning or every moment. 

By believing himself to be dead, Samurai can be in mindset with no fear. Then he can dare to undertake any challenging task with no fear. Then Samurai can perform his task better, more committedly, and more boldly.  Like Samurai, every single thing that I do is intended to be done for this purpose. Carpe diem. Memento Mori. 

4.  One of my favorite quotes is "To live in hearts we leave behind, is not to die."

In order to please as many people as possible, 8 billion living now on this globe is not enough target for me.  The target people of mine is those who will exist as human being after my death. 

By leaving my spirit as legacy, I will be able to live in hearts we leave behind. In this way, I would like to affect as many people as possible. The peak days of my life should come after my death. 

5.   My life is given. 

I live here now, for some specific reason. I have to prove why I live for my life. 

27 years ago, I had a severe traffic accident by doing drunken driving. I barely survived. However, in weeks later than this accident, I knew that an ex-girl friend of mine was killied by another traffice accident by just walking on a street flawlessly following a green light ON THE VERY SAME DAY. 

I am alive now, whilest I was doing the worst. She is gone now, whilest she was doing nothing wrong. After this event, I realised that my life is given for some purpose. Thus I have to prove why I live, by contributing to the society.  

6. Confucionism

Not only Japanese peculiar culture, I learn much from Chinese culture, especially Confucionism. For instance, my inclination toward spirituality or non-secular beliefs derives from the term 「死生有命、富貴在天」in the Analects of Confucious.  It means: 

"Life and death are a matter of Destiny. 
Wealth and honour depend on Heaven".

"Heaven" in the east corresponds to "God" in the west. I trust and belive in Heaven. I hate sticking to money and wealth. Forget about them. They would follow what we do and how we behave. Rather, the farther we are apart from such secular and worldly things,  the more likely we will be able to leave something or good spirit after our death. 

I take the Bible verse "Unless a kernel of wheat falls down and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds" as the remidner of our unfavorable inclination toward worldly things. 

The above 6 points could be the reasons why I have been living so energetic life.
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