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Repayment (Mrs.Vilma Musa)

2010-06-28 | Kiva


Mrs. Vilma Musa
is the fourth person I loaned my money through Kiva.
I loaned her $25 through Kiva in April.
She borrowed $1,050 from 35 persons and she planned to repay all the money in eight month.
Now she has already repaid 41% of the money.
So her business seemed to be going well.

*She is 50 years old and a house wife with two children living in Philippines. 

She is managing her own food-processing business while also managing direct-selling business and a tube- ice business. 
She wants to help her husband so that their family can have a better life and she wants to provide good education for her children.
I hope her business continue to grow ! 

*This is my page.

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2 コメント

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To okadasakura san (yaya)
2010-07-01 17:06:13
I hope so too.
Unknown (okadasakura)
2010-06-30 16:45:11
May your money be helpful for many people.

