Let's enjoy English !


Visiting my friend

2004-09-03 | diary

Yesterday I visited my friend to look at a new house built by the family of her daughter .
It stands next to my friend's house.
It is big and full of the sense of the young man.

From now on, she and her daughter's families will live together merrily.

I took the picture of this flower at her garden, but we don't know the name of it.
Though my friend said it might be 'fu-yo', 'rose mallow' in English, I'm not sure.
It looks like 'hibiscus' too.

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5 コメント

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fu-yo (kazumucha)
2004-09-04 23:43:44

I think the flower is 'fu-yo'. I like an 'america-fu-yo' that has wide petal and looks gorgeous more than a japanease 'fu-yo'.

By the way, your friend is lucky. She will be free from 'fu-yo' problems because she lives in the next door of her daughter... (^^;
Thank you ! (ya421)
2004-09-05 10:00:35
Thank you for giving a comment.

It's 'fu-yo', isn't it?

I have also seen 'America-fu-yo' before.

It was very big.

You are a sense of humor. I can't help laughing, when I read your 'fu-yu' story.
mistake! (ya421)
2004-09-05 10:18:26
You are ・・・→You have・・・

I had a mstake!!
Unknown (Nishi)
2004-09-05 13:38:52

I think this flower is Momiziaoi.

But I don't know the name in english.

It`s very difficult for me to write english. Because I haven`t write and speak english as long as about 35 years.

Thank you !! (ya421)
2004-09-05 18:51:00
I looked up 'momijiaoi' in goo's serach.

As a result you seems to be right.

Thank you very much!!

By the way, writing in Japanese in this blog is OK.

Please write in Japanese, Mrs.Nishi.

I'm waiting for your visit.

