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Test for nursing insurance

2010-04-28 | diary

Azalea (ミツバツツジ)

More than a month has passed since my mother-in-law; Shizusan was hospitalized because of her heart failure.
She got better now, so I thought the day of leaving hospital would be coming soon.


She has been suffering from lumbago for a few days.
Pressure fracture might cause of her pain. 
It'll take a few weeks for her to get well.

By the way, I went to the city office to apply for the use of nursing insurance last week.
Today Shizusan had a test at the hospital,so my husband also attended for that. 
She will receive a certification of it about after a month or so .
If Shizusan need some kinds of care, she would be able to use the insurance according to the rank of certification.

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To okadasakura san (yaya)
2010-04-30 10:18:24
Thank you very much !
I also wish her early recovery.
Unknown (okadasakura)
2010-04-29 16:45:08
I suppose that looking after your sick mother will be quite a job for you.
May your mother recover her health from her illness as soon as possible.

